Hi guys, hate to bother you with my problems, but I'm desparate to solve what's happening to me before I lose my mind! ^_^
I'll try not to drag this on too long, but every since I was a kid, two major things profiled me. Shyness and Sensitivity.
It was normal back then though... I would always be the kid that got picked on because I'd take offense to the pettiest of jokes, which I always seen as personal digs or insults. And I was never exactly the most popular kid in the neighborhood due to my shy personality.
Anyways! Back in 2007; yes, just a few years back, my girlfriend, broke up with me over the tel'erphone, and that caused a major psychological happening to occur in my life. I'm not blaming her, but I feared she was going to lose interest in me, and when she did, I took it real hard.
Now I have Social Anxiety Disorder, which I have been diagnosed with. I'm not sure where to begin with all of this, but I'm experiencing certain symptoms that are really frustrating me like you wouldn't believe.
The first one that comes to mind is my fear of answering telephones. I'm not sure if the break up over the telephone psychologically traumatized me or what! - but when the telephone wrings, my heart starts beating like mad and I get really anxious. When I do finally luster (lol ...stupid word...) up the courage to answer the telephone, I sound like an idiot. Well, at least to me I sound like an idiot. What's worse is how frustrated I get after I hang up with the person who called. I literially start rage-dancing after I hang up as a result of how bad the telephone call went... for me... in my mind... lol.
Listen, I'm not going to rant on and on about my issues all in one post. Eventually you will all get to know more about my frustrating problems, and how confusing and hard they are to relate with.
Suzaku Kururugi ~
I'll try not to drag this on too long, but every since I was a kid, two major things profiled me. Shyness and Sensitivity.
It was normal back then though... I would always be the kid that got picked on because I'd take offense to the pettiest of jokes, which I always seen as personal digs or insults. And I was never exactly the most popular kid in the neighborhood due to my shy personality.
Anyways! Back in 2007; yes, just a few years back, my girlfriend, broke up with me over the tel'erphone, and that caused a major psychological happening to occur in my life. I'm not blaming her, but I feared she was going to lose interest in me, and when she did, I took it real hard.
Now I have Social Anxiety Disorder, which I have been diagnosed with. I'm not sure where to begin with all of this, but I'm experiencing certain symptoms that are really frustrating me like you wouldn't believe.
The first one that comes to mind is my fear of answering telephones. I'm not sure if the break up over the telephone psychologically traumatized me or what! - but when the telephone wrings, my heart starts beating like mad and I get really anxious. When I do finally luster (lol ...stupid word...) up the courage to answer the telephone, I sound like an idiot. Well, at least to me I sound like an idiot. What's worse is how frustrated I get after I hang up with the person who called. I literially start rage-dancing after I hang up as a result of how bad the telephone call went... for me... in my mind... lol.
Listen, I'm not going to rant on and on about my issues all in one post. Eventually you will all get to know more about my frustrating problems, and how confusing and hard they are to relate with.
Suzaku Kururugi ~