More threads by Kururugi


Hi guys, hate to bother you with my problems, but I'm desparate to solve what's happening to me before I lose my mind! ^_^

I'll try not to drag this on too long, but every since I was a kid, two major things profiled me. Shyness and Sensitivity.

It was normal back then though... I would always be the kid that got picked on because I'd take offense to the pettiest of jokes, which I always seen as personal digs or insults. And I was never exactly the most popular kid in the neighborhood due to my shy personality.

Anyways! Back in 2007; yes, just a few years back, my girlfriend, broke up with me over the tel'erphone, and that caused a major psychological happening to occur in my life. I'm not blaming her, but I feared she was going to lose interest in me, and when she did, I took it real hard.

Now I have Social Anxiety Disorder, which I have been diagnosed with. I'm not sure where to begin with all of this, but I'm experiencing certain symptoms that are really frustrating me like you wouldn't believe.

The first one that comes to mind is my fear of answering telephones. I'm not sure if the break up over the telephone psychologically traumatized me or what! - but when the telephone wrings, my heart starts beating like mad and I get really anxious. When I do finally luster (lol ...stupid word...) up the courage to answer the telephone, I sound like an idiot. Well, at least to me I sound like an idiot. What's worse is how frustrated I get after I hang up with the person who called. I literially start rage-dancing after I hang up as a result of how bad the telephone call went... for me... in my mind... lol.

Listen, I'm not going to rant on and on about my issues all in one post. Eventually you will all get to know more about my frustrating problems, and how confusing and hard they are to relate with.

Suzaku Kururugi ~


Hello Kururugi,

Welcome to Psychlinks! If you had to put it into words, what would be the worst thing that would happen in the worst case scenario in answering the phone?

Have you discussed this with the physician who diagnosed the social anxiety disorder?


ladylore said:
Welcome to Psychlinks.

Do you have a therapist you can talk with on a regular basis?

Hi ladylore, yes I see a therapist concerning my Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) once a week. She's never helpful, and a great woman to share my problems with; unfortunately though, the only thing she can do to assist me is recommending various medications. Right now I am on a Clonazepam and Risperidone, and soon I'll be on an Antidepressant.

Into The Light said:
welcome you mentioned two words that stood out for me: shyness and sensitivity. this link might be of interest to you: i am currently reading this book and it talks about these traits.
TYVM Into The Light. I'll be sure to check this out the first chance I get. Yea, I've always been a very emotionally sensitive person. I trust this book will be a great source of help for me! Muchly appreciated! ^_^

TSOW said:
Hello Kururugi,

Welcome to Psychlinks! If you had to put it into words, what would be the worst thing that would happen in the worst case scenario in answering the phone?

Have you discussed this with the physician who diagnosed the social anxiety disorder?

Hi TSOW, I know I didn't explain very well what symptoms I endure over the telephone. Regrettably, and it's not like I can explain why these things happen to me, but I start losing my concentration and memory while trying to maintain a proper conversation with the one I'm talking with over the telephone. It's all because of my Anxiety. The first thing that happens to me is I begin feeling panicky. My heart starts beating really fast, and I feel short of breath. The next thing that happens is I find it hard to "intently" listen to what the other person is saying over the line. So concentration is a major factor with this particular problem. The same thing can happen to me in person too. I'm sorry if that didn't detail it enough. I really don't know why this happens to me other than the fact that I have Social Anxiety Disorder.
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Kururugi, if indeed your therapist is indicating that she cannot help you with social anxiety disorder, may I ask why you do not look for one who can?


David Baxter "Kururugi, if indeed your therapist is indicating that she cannot help you with social anxiety disorder, may I ask why you do not look for one who can?"

Hey David, I don't mean to sound negative or anything, but congnitively, there doesn't seem to be any physical help for Social Anxiety Disorder besides seminars and anti-anxiety medications. But that's probably just me being ignorant. Part of me wants to believe therapy and medication will eventually do to the trick, but another part/side of me doubts I'll ever be cured from these psychological issues. I find talking to people helps me, and that's the only reason why I'm sticking with this particular therapist. Besides, I've spoken to plenty, and when it all boils right down to it, they all give the same advice.
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Interesting, I just started reading the page on Comprehensive Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy. This is also something I'll share with my therapist; TYVM for the link(s)!


Thank you everybody; yes, it seems I did find a great place. All the mental health forums I've been on before coming to this one weren't nearly as active. All the answers you've given me were very encouraging and beneficial. I'm positive I'll be staying here from now on. :2thumbs:
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