More threads by David Baxter PhD


I think she just kind of covers a pretty generic overview of ADHD. Needs a bit more explanation, otherwise others may not understand the amount of struggle that is actually associated with this disorder...too many think the focus is the most detrimental aspect to it..when it's really not.

I read this article:

Caddac: What ADHD Students Wish Their Teachers Knew

And It takes to the next level I find, and people should keep in mind: This girls perspective is only listing how she struggles at school, and unfortunately for a lot of us with ADHD, the environments we're raised in (created by parents who also often have ADHD) often also possess stressors that far exceed even these serious issues at school.

ADHD is not only about focus, and I think that's a major part of the stigmitization of ADHD that needs to fall by the wayside. More people with ADHD need to start talking about other aspects of their lives that are influenced by this disorder. If the executive functions aspect is emphaized more clearly, I think it will gain more acceptance in society.

Especially here in Canada, I would absolutely love to see it gain the recognition it deserves. It is absolute hell being a young male looking for treatment. (Which I have found btw)

(*Hypocrite alert! I'm about to start a thread on focus problems*)
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