More threads by Onlythisusernamewasleft


Let me start off with one of the major factors that ruins my life: My Mother.

My mother isn't a very nice person, at the very least to me. I can't remember much of my childhood or her in it though until she and our dad got divorced when i was about 7. I don't remember it ever really being discussed...the divorce....i do remember her coming into me and my younger sisters room one night upset and crying asking if she could sleep here tonight. and the last memory i have before we moved interstate and away from my dad was when i was dozing of in a friend of the families lap and she was stroking me hair, and it was warm and sunny. I then went to get up either realizing it wasn't my mum or i think because my mum i had back from somewhere, and she no it was fine (that i was falling asleep in her lap). I'm still a fan of dozing off on warm sunny days:cat3:

Well now a days practically the only interaction i have with her is her commanding me to do things, that she going out or to work or that i should stop studying anf get a job or i need to get a job. I'm 20.

My mother i don't remember as ever being affectionate, loving, or caring. She might talk to us but i don't remember much of that ever going on. I still live at home study, used to work fulltime until i got made redundant. Understand that there's only so much information i can give over the internet.

My mothers is always commanding things get done. It's always been 'do what i say because i said' that sort of thing. It's always been the dishes now or she'll give some vague threat. It used to be 'i'll take away your welfare money back into my name' nowadays it's 'i'll raise your boared everytime you don't do something (like the dishes or clean the whole kitchen) or 'i'll kick you out'. A few years ago me and my younger sister lent her some money when she needed it (like we could say no) and the amount she borrowed from us young teens got somewhat high - some hundreds or $ each. I lost count at some stage and slashed it down to $300 with she still owing my sister $150. She did pay back some of the money she owed...but when we - mainly me brought it up every couple of months maybe she'd say 'well if you that worried about money i'll just take you welfare back into my name' or 'fine i'll raise your board because you don't pay enough for the food electricity gas rent'. Every time - so i preety much stopped asking. Now i think she says that she paid it back....though i'm sure ^^all that would start up again if i asked her.

I'm the scapegoat in the family i believe. It's always me that get told to clean and whatnot. At one stage i was getting yelled at every day after school when my mother came home about an hour and a half after i got home from school and the house wasn't spotless....there was always something i didn't do. I didn't do the dishes (which is donw at night unless she randomly commands they be done in the afternoon any time i'm home), i could have vaccuumed etc. One time my brother (younger) even said the house looked cleana and that she did clean to which she said 'she could have vacuumed'. These are my mothers favourite sayings as far as i'm concerned: 'So what have you done today?' , if i tell her what i did or list the chores i did she'll respond 'yeah right' i now when things have been done' 'well you didnt do a very good job then did you' and most of the time she redo the little things like tidying up a room or wiping the kitchen bench again.

I am the only one yelled at and expected to keep the house clean. My younger brother does nothing. My mother expects him to do nothing 'because he a boy'. He's also in trouble with the cops and has had two court dates and may be going to juvie. My younger brother is a manipulator too. He is always manipulating conversations so i get yelled at, and brings up something that i did or didn't do. He's always threatening me to manipulate her to have a go at me. I tell her all the things he does, how he manipulates her and what not, but she doesn't believe me, just ignore what i say. I think as far as my brothers concerned she just doesn't want to know.

Practically everyone in my family hates my mother to a degree weather they openly dwell on it or not. I get the brunt of dealing with her....i can't help it. I'm constantly feeling down, have trouble concentrating, entertaining killing myself for revenge just so somebody would notice. Lately i’ve been alternating between not being able to sleep and sleeping too much. Most of the time i’ll be wide awake and alert at night and want to sleep in the day – though even though i’m awake i procrastinate and can’t seem to get things done that i need and want to do. And this is me on holidays, how bad is it gonna be when i go back to school in a few days? I do have a friend that i talk to often on msn and he’s cool, he had autism and is hot wired to be a know it all about computers buts thats cool. He’s only 16 (met him at school) but he’s good company, not too demanding really and easy to talk to. We go to this club and watch Anime Fridays nights. It’s fun, i talk a bit to people (mainly because i feel as though there not judging me and have similar interests) and the shows are funny and good. It’s a good time.

I was going preety good at the beginning of the new year. I had set out goals, and things i wanted to do, planned out ways to manage my time. Then it’s been getting closer and closer to the beginning of the school year and i think my interactions with my mother have gotten worse.I failed my last semester because i didn’t study and use my time properly....i think it was all downhill from day one. I think it’s because i’ve started fighting back a bit lately. She says i’m argumentative. She’s called my a bitch and selfish bitch before too when i didn’t want to lend my brother my DVDs. She also had a go at my recently because because apparently i never do anything, don’t eat well and need to get a job. I do do things and at the very least want to do things. She always having a go at me because i’m always on the computer. It used to be that i was on the computer in the lounge room and now its that i’m always in my room on my computer doing nothing. I do do things (like i said, at least attempt to) on the computer and my school work is IT so of course i’m going to study and recreation wise spend most of my time on the computer....which is met with pretty much a ‘yeah right’ from my mother. She always of the opinion that i don’t study, and apparently i shouldn’t be studying IT because someone at her work told her i didn’t need to go to school to learn IT (who do i have beat the shit out for that one....). She doesn’t approve of my studying IT. And has said that i should be studying social work or library services or something if i want to do something she approves of. When i was younger i used to talk with some friends mother who was a social worker and said to me, and then to my mother that i would make a good one. For a while i just decided that’s what i wanted to do. I’m not bad at it. But it’s what my mother wrapped her head around that i should do. And then i just decided on IT. It’s just something. I don’t what i want to do i like the idea of a lot of different things but have found i’m not really good at anything and i don’t like having to deal with people or take initiative in social interaction. I avoid it. Except for the anime club. She was also like this when i teacher suggested what my younger sister should do, though she hasn’t bugged her as much about that one. I genuinely felt up to getting a job at the beginning of this year but now i just don’t want to. I felt kinda sick in the stomach these last few days.....unsure wether its hunger or just doesn’t feel normal. My sleeping and eating pattern is all out of wack. These last two days i’ve just mostly slept, knowing i had these i wanted to do but didn’t really feel up to doing.

And no i’m not going to talk to my mother about any of this. Talking to my mother is just opening up communication for to yell at me or tell me to get a job, and give her ammunition to hurt me. I learnt early on not to talk to my mother, though i suppose i want to though i shouldn’t. When i was in 8th grade i once broke down crying when she asked me if i had made any friends and i said no and she yelled at saying something like ‘why is it always this way with you’. I’ve always had problems making and keeping friends. Yeah she’s great. I think i made the mental note to shut down after that, not like we were close or anything at.

As my younger brother says my younger sister is a freak of nature. Always succeeds, always liked, never really needed any encouragement. Though she got it and my mother’s quite proud she her daughter. Like it’s a testament that she not a bad mother. It always ‘your younger sister has three jobs and was working when she was in high school’. I’m expected to do my sisters chores because she’s not home because she apparently works when majority of the time she at or sleeping at her boyfriends. I remember when i used to work part time during high school and get home late and not want to do the dishes i’d be told that if i couldn’t work and do chores at the same time i should quite my job.
My older sister also hates my mother and avoids having any interaction with despite them working for the same company. My sister is always apparently having to correct people or apologise when my mother lies, or insults someone (ie those clothes are looking a little tight). Such as her saying that she and my older sister talk all the time and are closer then they appear. Which they are not. Also having to correct people when my mother tells people about how she proud of her kids and this and that. When it’s really about appearances. She brought this up to us kids at home once when she said about a family member coming to visit ‘she better not lie to him and make me look bad like she does to people t work or otherwise she’s going to get’

Well i’m sure there’s more i could remember but i think that’s enough for now.

At some stage i think i’m going to delete this post, you never know who’ll find it as some stage.
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Thanks i've already looked into that and have though it fits her very well, not much i can do about it though she has a screw lose.

More bitching:

She’ll also stereotype us kids in any one particular day. With me it was from one day that me and my brother eat to much (he’s kinda does go for all the good junk food but she doesn’t fuss as much when it’s him) on one day when i and my brother (probably no more then normal) went for the cakes that were there, which by the way she probably cuts to be at least half a decent size. She even one day was yelling at me to clean up the house. She regularly gets home says the house is a mess and for us to get up because it’s time to clean up the house which despite being anal about the little tidying of things there nothing really to do. I once mentioned this recently and she told me to do the dishes before anyone had had tea. This also reminds of a time when she went out to the shops and in that time i had started cooking my tea – sh comes home and has a go at me because apparently i knew she was going to cook tea (she doesn’t every night) and then that she told me which she didn’t. I was making a hotdog, and then she had a go at me for cooking onions and other stuff because i said i was just cooking at hotdog, what i was cooking was what you have in a normal hotdog (and plus how i like mine: sausage, well cooked, onion, cheese, mustard and ketchup).

Back to stereotyping. She was having a go at me for some reason and i think it was the second day that instead of hanging around for her to yell at me i went to go for a walk. She then had a go at me saying that ‘i was always going to for a walk’ instead of doing things. This was actually part of me wanting to lose weight.....and i has pretty much been walking every night until recently. I put on alot of weight during and since my last years of high school.
During this last Christmas i got yelled at 3 times that day. First because i apparently didn’t look happy or cheerful when giving out presents. I don’t care about Christmas it’s pretty much a disappointment just like my birthday. Things i don’t want or need and spending money on things other people probably don’t want or need all for the sake of one day. She did this in front of my younger sisters boyfriends when he was there Christmas morning so i’m pretty sure it was for show, sje would have yelled at me rather then commented if just family was there. Then i got yelled out trying to help my younger sister figure out while her new games console wasn’t working. I had both my mother and my brother yell at me while i’m sitting there trying to go through all the things that my be possibly wrong. Then i turns out my mother was correct and i get told off and told that i always think i’m right. I don’t pretty much ever get the opportunity to think i’m right. and the third was because 'she hates the way i look at her'. Sure i give her the evils. I find i can be very good i get my point across with looks. It's fun.

Also, my mother one day knocked on my door saying she was going out somewhere with her boyfriend and then decided to have some little ‘do you think i don’t love you’ talk which lasted all of two minutes with i can’t remember much of. It was her just talking. But i do remember her moving her to look towards the front door to see i believe if her boyfriend was looking or was in earshot. another show.
For years and years my mother hasn’t let my get broadband internet connected on the home phone line. I’ve try varying degree’s of compromising – i’ll pay for it all and use it all (‘why should i get the home phone connected just so you can use the internet?’) , i’ll pay for it all and you guys can use some of it (then i get called controlling and that i’ll be dictating and telling people what they can do). She recently said that she wasn’t getting it connected because it was punishment for not doing as she’s asked all these years. This has always been one of the things that i’ve always wanted and always bugged her about. She recently said that she was going to get it connected and i even went to the phone store and got the home phone connected with her. It been connected for months and still hasn’t been connected to the internet. Turns out her boyfriend was going to move in and it was really that – he – was going to get the internet. This was the same with that we where going to get platinum cable tv soon when it was really he. Well he hasn’t moved in yet. She said that he was going to move in over Christmas last year but he didn’t – she told me and my younger brother that he wasn’t because of certain reasons. Then one day she and he come home with 1/3 of his stuff, i ask her ‘i though you told our brother he wasn’t going to be moving in’ and she goes ‘i just told your brother that because he kept asking (he was asking her somewhat teasingly)’ when in reality i knew that was what she had told me as well. And to mention, they’re engaged. Look at it this way, my older sister when asked - from people that work with her and my mother – about the engagement told them she wouldn’t be surprised if there was no ring. My older sister also mentioned that my mother had asked her to be her maid of honour and told her she didn’t want to, and then suggested me, to which she mumbled something about not wanting me to. I agree with my sister that she should just go down to the courts and get it done in the marriage licensing office or whatever.


You are right, Only, you can't do much about her. Don't let her ruin your life. You are only 19, and you deserve peace, success and happiness. In that toxic atmosphere (and by the way who is the brave boyo who is marrying this delightful woman?!), nothing good will happen.
At least you are aware of the sort of person your mother is. Knowledge is hugely helpful.

Good luck
Mum comes into my room telling me to show her where the the part of the computer that is not in the computer needs to go
because her boyfirends is going to be doing a clean on the computer - new RAM DVD drive everything. I say
all the shit you had before before my younger brother ****ed me off and i took it out. Younger brother then starts attacking me saying this is why
your not getting the internet and everything because you'd think you own it. Mum then starts telling me just to
show her where it goes and yes you thought you owned the computer for practically a year (nobody else ever used it
except younger brother maybe to put music on his mp3).....that i fight her on everything she says....

I open the computer and she says show where the clip or whatever goes....i show then the one clip that was still
connected and that there wasn't one on the other side. I show them the tension wire of the heatsink and how that
probably caused that one to fall of. In between all this mums saying so when you went in there without permission
you must have wrecked that somehow....i show how tht tension wires probably did...and she says guess what? 'yeah
righ' I tell her i fricken work with computers (which i do in the sense of school) and that she knows nothing about
computers then she goes 'are you a qualified technician' and i say 'getting there'. Stupid ****ing bitch.

I remind her that when i first told her about it, i told her three ways that i coudld fix it, she bitched and yelled
at me and said she would get a technician because i must have done something wrong. She then says well if you had
wanted to do the right thing you would have fixed it by now. And before that she said that she told me to go ahead
and buy the stuff and she would pay me back. Extra part: After she had a go at me initially saying i must have done
something wrong and that she would get a technician i told myself that i wouldn't fix.

All this while i'm quite grumpy from being wokenen (i was awake and alert all night so i have a tendency to sleep
in the day - this had only been recent over the holidays, maybe stress?) immediately yelled at....and i was being a bit rough with the detachable panel of the case throwing
it on the floor.....she telling me she can kick me out right now....and at the end of the before i walked away,
she had this whole thing about since i live in her house i'll do what she says anything she says

And she seems to want to ingnore the crucial fact that the first major time that computer messed up - which i then fixed - was because my younger brother decided what i was doing on the computer what i told him couldn't be intterupted didn't needed to be done (disk cleanup) so he turned the power off after which the computer wouldn't boot.


Hello Only:

I am just analyzing your last hilarious post. Life with your mother sounds like a real blast.

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