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I thought I would post these to those who need a little support for Mother`s Day (on the 13th, 2012 which for some reason seems especially apropos)...

Remember try to celebrate yourSELVES! Remember to celebrate mothering. Who are the people in your life who mother you or treat you with love and compassion? Honour these people. Honour yourself! 8)

Narcissists Suck: Mother's Day and Your Narcissist Mom
Anna Valerious

Narcissists Suck: Holidays with Narcissists Suck...
Anna Valerious

Steer Clear of Narcissistic Family Dynamics During the Holidays
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Narcissistic Mothers and Society - Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
Danu Morrigan

Girls Growing up without a Mother - Mothers Without Mothers

April 30, 2010 Mother’s Day Survival Guide–How To Cope If You Have a Narcissistic Mother ? Hope and Healing with Elaine
Elaine D. Sanders, LLC

When Mother's Day Hurts
by Karyl McBride, Ph.D

Mother's Day and Daughters on Trial | Psychology Today
by Karyl McBride, Ph.D.

Celebrating Mother's Day When You Don't Like Your Mom - Mental Health -
Beth McHugh

Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers - A Painful Psychological Legacy
Dr. Linda Martinez-Lewi

Narcissistic Moms and Holidays | Psychology Today
by Karyl McBride, Ph.D.

Are You “Recovering” from the Merry! Merry! And the Ho! Ho! Ho's?
by Karyl McBride, Ph.D.

You’re Not Alone in Dreading the Holiday Season!
by Janet

Be Emotionally Prepared this Holiday Season
Narcissism Daily Mirror

Holidays with the Narcissists, and What to Do About It | The Broken Telegraph
by Ian Ebright

Having a narcissist for the holidays?
By Stacy Kaiser

The Birthday Party Double Standard- When Theirs Is A National Holiday And Yours Is Chopped Liver
by Rev. Renee

How to Nurture Yourself & Be Your Own Mother
By Tama J. Kieves

I have had to learn how to mother myself. I love my mother more than ever before, but for many years I felt I got the short end of the umbilical cord. Like many of us, I didn’t get the movie mother — the tireless cheerleader, the fierce cub protector, or the one who listened deeply to all my secret places and saw colors in me that I had yet to see. That mother was on back order when I was placing my cosmic selection. Instead, I got someone who hadn’t read the manual and, I know now, deserved and needed a mother herself.

Create yourself a new mother - CNN
By Martha Beck

Unfortunately, motherhood is so difficult that virtually no one does it perfectly. Maybe your mother was flawless, but it's more likely she made mistakes. Whatever her errors, you inherited a legacy of sorrow.

How to Open Yourself to Love When You Didn’t Grow Up with It
Lori Deschene; Tiny Buddha Founder

I was always someone that craved love and attention. This is not to say that I accepted love willingly—quite the opposite, in fact.
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