More threads by Kayla


I am Kayla... I found this site while lying awake listening to make sure my husband did not stop breathing after asking how many pills he took for his spiralling depression. The booze, the pills.. If only that were the only problem. He is diagnosed schizophrenic.. I have no one I feel I can talk to. When I discuss the illness with friends they think it's an invitation to attack his character. I'm close to leaving.. Making mental notes of what I need to take when I go. But who will take care of him then? So this is my hope for support on a peer level.
Hi Kayla, welcome to the forum :)
I am sorry things are so difficult for you right now.
You say your husband has medication, that means he is being seen by a doctor, as he has been diagnosed as a schizoprenic he must have been seen by a psychiatrist , in that case he should be taking antipsychotic medication.......

Has he stopped this medication?

Depression is linked with schizoprenia, many schizoprenics suffer from depression.
However if he is using alcohol with meds, then this alters the usefulness of his medication. How feasable is it to get him to see his doctor as soon as possible?


He is on anti psychotics, anxiety medication (which is what he took 7 of last night with 5 beer.) He tells me he just wants to escape. Doesn't think he is ill (obviously) we see the psychologist tomorrow. Not sure if it will work he has acting well down. Which makes me think it's not schizophrenia and maybe schizotypal.. But that's another thread!
Schizoprenics often find it very difficult to accept that they are ill, what are the meds he is taking excatly?
Being afflicted with schizoprenia is just so very mentally painful, that it can become unbearable. I'm glad you are seeing his psychologist tomorrow, I lived with a schizoprenic parent, and I don't think it is acting, when the behaviour changes outside of home surroundings. I think that there is almost superhuman effort to hold things together.


He is being weened off rispiridone and starting zyprexa. Also clanzapine.. He was diagnosed over 10 years ago and the old meds caused loss of vision, tachacardia, high blood pressure. I don't condone the drinking... I don't know what to do! I am ready to leave but love this man!!
Hi Kayla I am sorry to hear your struggles I too have family members with this illness and know how draining it can be to look after them. I hope you have some help for you some support to help you deal with all the extra stress you are under. Perhaps getting a psychologist for you or a councillor would be helpful to help you understand this illness and how to cope
take care


Hi Kayla, Welcome to Psychlinks. I am sure you will find many here who are understanding of Schizophrenia.

My last boyfriend had Schizophrenia, so like White Page and yourself, I to have lived with someone with Schizophrenia. Obviously there are the good things but it is difficult at times. I agree with White Page about him "acting". You never know where he is at in his head.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there are understanding people here and I hope you can get the support you need here.

He may well need to have his meds reviewed, it takes time to find the right meds and dosages in order to stabilise schizoprenia, once stabilised life becomes comfortable again for the sufferer and all the people close to him or her. This is worth discussing with his doctors.

It is however a very great strain for the families until this is possible.


Welcome to Psychlinks, Kayla.

Is the psychologist your husband will see tomorrow also the prescriber of his medications or is there another medical specialist in the picture?


Thank you all for the warm welcome and great wonderful support. Now that I am on a computer I can maybe address some things a little better and properly convey what I would like to say.
when I said "acting" I will clarify. He is extremely paranoid with disillusions and ideas of reference. When at the psychologist or psychiatrist he then uses past tense " I thought these people wanted to kill me".. " I thought my friends didn't like me anymore because of the supernatural things I was involved with" also he apologizes to people for not being well, for being paranoid and having that "synchronizing" feeling.

His medications were adjusted approximately one week ago.. The weening off of the rispiridone and the addition of zyprexa has him sleeping 15 hours a day. And now has extreme suicidal thoughts and ideas. The follow up appointment is tomorrow, I have phoned privately (behind husbands back) to the psychologist to ask that the psychiatrist meet us ( The psychiatrist is the one prescribing the medication). My mom whom is in the medical profession but not psychiatry field mentioned that it may be very possible that he is having a bad side effect to this medication. I may contact a pharmacist.

I might include that he is extremely sensitive to medication. Previously he was on 1000 mg's of Seroquil 375 mg Clozaipine 350 mg Effexor which lead to Tachycardia, then permanent eye damage later diagnosed as Cataracts. Then they took him off EVERYTHING in 4 weeks. A pharmacist then encouraged ideas of saying "they shouldn't have taken you off everything so fast that type of thing could kill you". Which obviously leads to mistrust of the mental health board.
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