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I really need to find a new therapist, but I can't seem to do it. I've used up my Employee Assistance plan - but the money isn't the issue.

I don't know how to get started again. What do I ask for? I'm not really sure what's wrong. Depression - Yes, and I think lots and lots of anxiety. I?m starting to feel nauseous when I think of my family conflict. I just feel like I?m sinking down again.

Can?t fight and everything is feeling just too big again.

Where do I start?? What do I ask when I call up someone. How do I decide who to see?
How do I know if they are going to be any good/help? I am so terrified of starting up again.


Re: new therapist

I got a recommendation through the EAP and we clicked so i have stuck with her.
Re: new therapist

my GP gave me a name as well as EAP You don't have to worry about what to say the therapist will do the talking at first Just get a name from your GP or EAP and go for it okay
Therapy will help you sort out all the emotions just don't worry just do it okay.
hi gardens, in my case the first time around i got a referral from my family doctor, the second time around i actually looked to see if i could find someone closer to where i live and found a practice nearby, i wanted a woman the second time around and this practice had just the one. i made an appointment and met with her and liked her from the start, and have stuck with her ever since.

when they asked me over the phone what i was coming for i said i'd been battling depression but also that i just wasn't happy with my life and wasn't really sure what the issue was, and that was fine. sometimes when we start therapy we don't know what the problem is and then the therapist can help us figure it out to start with.

i would suggest you just look around and see what places would work for you distance wise and if they have male or female practitioners (based on your preference, if you have one) and then take it from there. see them for a single session and see if they put you at ease. if they don't, try someone else. if you're not sure, try seeing them a little longer before making a decision. a good fit is essential to getting the most out of your therapy so having some kind of click as well as a feeling of safety are big indicators on whether or not you have found your potential therapist.

you can also ask them specific questions in your first session about things that are important to you, for example qualifications/why did they go into this line of work/have they worked with others with similar difficulties as you are facing/etc.

i never asked those questions, just kind of went by how i felt about how things went in session - i knew the qualifications up front because it was on the sign and she had her degree up on the wall.

there is lots of info in the sticky section of the Therapy & Therapists - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum forum too.

good luck and let us know how you do :)


Getting started is the hardest and scariest part, so good for you for taking this step. I think Into The Light covered it all. On top of the therapist have the proper credentials you want to get a good feeling from talking to them. This is one of the most intimate relationships you will have in your life so don't be afraid to "shop around" and find a good fit.

You likely won't know until you have a couple sessions with him/her if it's going to be a good fit, or if they are "any good". Therapists understand that during the first few sessions you're assessing their suitability to work with you. They can be a good therapist but just not the right therapist for you.

Good for you for taking this first step and reaching out. I wish you the best of luck on this journey.
Hi Gardens-

I've got something on that topic here. In a nutshell, test-drive a few therapists, pay attention to their training, experience and specialties, and ultimately trust your gut. A little annoying work at the beginning will make a big difference in the long run!

Best wishes to you.
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