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I finally saw a new therapist. The T needs to asses me first, whether she can help me or not, which might take a couple of appointments. Now I'm worried to be honest. I really liked her. I am concerned that she will think she cannot help me and send me away. Maybe she thinks that I dont need a therapist. Maybe she thinks because I am functioning I dont need anyone. It's kind of a concern. maybe this is a fear of rejection or something.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't think you need to worry, boi. That's actually a good thing, suggesting that you've found an ethical therapist. She isn't trying to claim she can help everyone, like some do. In all likelihood, she'll determine that she can help you but she's telling you that in the event you have issues that require expertise she doesn't have she would refer you to someone who does have the necessary expertise. That's something any ethical therapist would do and she's simply telling you that up front.


thanks David, that makes me feel better. I started worrying about the fact that I told her way too much about myself the first visit, I talked way too much and if she were not to take me on I would be really upset.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think that's normal. Most clients are a little nervous the first session. When I get nervous, I go into "babble mode" and talk people's ears off... :eek:
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