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Hi, my name is Deb

I'v been struggling through many things in my life and see that I'm obviously not alone here.

I'm a mother of two, married for now. Both children are special needs in their own area. My daughter was born with a heart condition 'Transposition of the Great Arteries', she suffered a stroke at birth and now is right sided hemipoligiac. My son who is older and nearing 20 has suffered most of his life with ADHD and OCD, to this date its more OCD but he's doing fine.

Over the years my marriage has taken a beating, and I'm faced now with separation and divorce. I don't really know where to begin, I have alot of pent up anger and resentment so I'm taking it slow. At this point I don't know what else to say except its been a rough road and I"m burning out very fast and trying to find some support at this point.

Baby steps :)

Thankyou all for listening.



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Welcome Deb! :welcome2:

... And, I'm sorry that you're struggling with all of these issues. This site has offered me a lot in recent times. I hope that it will offer you support as much as it has me! :)
welcome deb :welcome:

sorry to hear you're facing a difficult time, these things are never easy. feel free to check out the various sections and also to post any questions or comments you may have. there are lots of us here ready to listen and bounce ideas around with :)


Hello Deb and welcome to Psychlinks! Feel free to vent and to discuss the issues you would like to share.

Are both your son and daughter stabilized with their respective conditions? What is their prognosis for independence in their own lives?

and I'm faced now with separation and divorce

Was the decision to separate mutual or did you or your husband initiate proceedings independently?


I hope you have a few years to listen :) but thank you all for your welcome. Hoping to get to know you all and at the same time figure out my next step.



Hi Deb,

I'm glad that you have found us here :)
Welcome. Put your feet up for a while occasionally and get to experience the kind and supportive people that I have found since I joined not all that long ago.

For now,

my very best wishes,



Hi Steve,

The decision was pretty much mutual in the end.

Both of the kids are not severe in their needs, but that's not to say there are extra challenges for us that lay ahead. The kids are okay, and have sat down with them to discuss the current situation.
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