More threads by braveheart


Greetings from London, England.
Yes, we had snow.

But not as much as a bit further North. [and of course not as much as Canada and US]

No, the world did not end. [contrary to what the UK media might have implied]
No, the buses did not run. Yes, many people were off work for 2 days. The schools were shut and there were snowmen everywhere.

I'm glad everywhere I had to get to was walking distance. Always walking the 45 minutes to work has it's advantages. I did however have 'wellie leg' the next day from walking in the snow.
Yes, it rained VERY heavily on Monday. I thought it would never stop.

But the sun came out yesterday and today. :)
And it's somewhat warmer.


Resident Canuck
Glad everything is good now in the UK. It has been a weird winter, even in Canada.

Wow, Cat Dancer. I had heard on the news some places in America were under tornado watches.

Here in Ontario, the winter was really weird. Some snow storms we had, had thunder and lightening too! Which I have never seen, nor heard about before.

Stay safe Cat Dancer.

Happy you are safe Braveheart.


Account Closed
Snow in the UK :panic:

To be truthful Braveheart - I haven't heard the news in a few days. But you're in my thoughts now! :)
how's the weather there now braveheart?

it's been nuts here too. snow, ice, the whole lot melting, then all turning back into ice because things melt for maybe a day tops. there's just no walking on the sidewalks whatsoever because it's pure ice. even the roads. with it being as cold as it has the salt hasn't helped one bit.

it feels a bit like the weather's gone haywire all around the world.


Haha sorry to bump this ancient thread, but it was the exact opposite here last week! 32o Celsius plus. The Evening Standard posters said it was 41oC. on the central court at Wimbledon, which isn't so very far from where I live, just a bit southish.

This week?
Back to rain and thundery showers and cold breezes!
And then there've been heaps of very heavy rain showers. 2 weeks ago I got totally soaked - slipping out of my sandals and dripping clothes soaked [even with a brolly] as it Rained like it never had before. The roads and paths were like rivers.
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