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I was curious about what was available other than AA programs because they don't work for everyone. Mary, I think I remember reading that you were not finding AA to be that helpful for you?

I found this program called Women for Sobriety, that is specifically for women.

(For some reason I can't use the BB Code for hyperlinks. It diverts me to an Explorer window)

Another is called Rational Recovery

just mary

HeartArt said:
I was curious about what was available other than AA programs because they don't work for everyone. Mary, I think I remember reading that you were not finding AA to be that helpful for you?

I found this program called Women for Sobriety, that is specifically for women.

(For some reason I can't use the BB Code for hyperlinks. It diverts me to an Explorer window)

Another is called Rational Recovery

Thanks HeartArt. :)

I have looked into both of these programs. Women for Sobriety seemed alright and I did read some of the articles on the website. I sent for information regarding group meetings in my area but I haven't heard back from them. Rational Recovery left me feeling a little queasy, they shunned any other kind of addiction recovery program as ineffective. That type of attitude bothers me. I'm pretty sure we would all agree that what works for one person may not neccessarily work for another. :)

There is also SMART Recovery Facilitation Therapy (I think Toeless mentioned it in a previous post), a program designed by Albert Ellis and his institute. But I haven't much information on SMART other than what's on the Internet. I have been to the library and have tried reading some books. I just finished one called "The Toxic Triangle" (recommended to me on this site) and it was good.

I think I'm getting better in some respects. Yes, I still drink but not to the extent I was before. I've been feeling different lately. Alcohol seems to make me feel a lot worse than it did before. I was never one for hangovers but lately they've been horrible and seem to last a long time. So, physically it's been harder and I'm starting to think twice about drinking or just not doing it at all.

And I think coming here has helped also. Just getting things off my chest as helped. To be able to say/write something quite personal and not have the world cave in on you is kind of freeing. Maybe people aren't so bad after all. :) Not that I thought people were "bad" maybe just much better than me and hence in a position to pass judgement. But we're all pretty similar and I think most of us just want to help. :)

Anyway, thanks again HeartArt.



Sorry about the technical dialogue. It can be deleted once sorted.

I'm so glad things are looking up for you and you are doing much better.

I found this habitdoc fellow too but was unsure of how useful this is. He seems to have good credentials and qualifications, including his personal experience with addiction but I read that it was a 60 mt time frame and all would be cured kind of thing and that made me leary. Anyway, thought you might want to check out his work and other people could maybe give an opinion on the credibility of his claims etc.

just mary


Sorry about the technical dialogue. It can be deleted once sorted.

Whatever, maybe I'll have a beer, beer never lets me down.


Thanks though, I'll have a look at habitdoc guy and see what that's all about.

Take care,
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