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Hi Dr Baxter.

For some reason, in the last few days at least, I haven't been receiving emails (at all) to notify me of new posts in threads that I am subscribed to.

Any ideas?

I checked my spam in case they'd gone in there. But nothing.

Thank you.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You're using a Gmail account. Historically, these free email accounts like Gmail, Hotmail, etc., have gone through periods of time where they seem to filter out notification ermails from forums (not just this one). Often, they'll start working again after a while.

I have no idea why this occurs. All I can suggest is that you make sure that is in your address book/contacts and in your whitelist if there is one for the email address you're using. Alternativley, change to another email address in your account settings.

See also:


Thank you very much for looking in to this. I've added the email address to my contacts and will see if this helps in the meantime and see if the emails re-appear ;-)
Have a good day.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Note to all:

Today I am receiving bouncebacks due to time-outs from several Hotmail, Live, and Gmail accounts. As noted, I've seen this happen before with free webmail accounts and it usually seems to correct itself within a few days.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It is definitely a problem with outgoing mail on the server, which started October 31. Tech support is looking into it.

Thanks for your patience while we locate the problem.


Received an email notification for this thread so looking better already!
Good luck.
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