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i just wanted to mention i seem to usually receive about 3 copies of the same newsletter on the same day. not sure if it's a software glitch or if it's only me :)


Re: multiple newsletters

I think the special people receive 3 copies of it....I only receive one copy :(

I think that Fog also received 3 copies once and we determined that she was special too :D

Just kidding...but honestly I only recieve 1.

just mary

Re: multiple newsletters

Oh my, I'm not that special either. :(

Just one a month, no more, no less....:sob:

:D just kidding, I'm not really that upset, okay, maybe a little...


Re: multiple newsletters

Gee. I'm only getting one. I got three once, though. I must be losing my touch! :(


Re: multiple newsletters got 4 :shocked:

Wow, now I am really starting to get jealous...I have never received more than 1 ever :(

Who do I need to be extra nice to :lol:


Re: multiple newsletters

lol.. some hiccups it has.. every month!! hmm maybe it has some kind of pre monthly email tension.. lol.. i always get 3 copies..


Re: multiple newsletters

I think that it only hiccups for the people that it likes :D

OR MAYBE......

It hiccups because the system or is it the Admin has had one too many :beer: :beer: :lol:


Re: multiple newsletters


If you are not getting the newsletter at all, I would suggest that you read David's post here to ensure that you are set up correctly to receive it first and if that is done and you are still not receiving it then it is probably a spam problem with your email server.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: multiple newsletters

The utility sends out 300 emails at a time, then pauses and loads the second "page" of addresses. For some reason, I usually have to restart the second page - I think that's where the extra emails come in, so if your address happens to be on page 2, you get the extra copies - if you're on page 1, you don't.

Janet, check your account to see if you have a "whitelist" and add forum[AT] there (replace [AT] with @) or trying adding the email address
to your address book.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Not necessarily. It depends on how your ISP filters spam. The newsletter contains some additional features (e.g., images like the Psychlinks logo) that are not contained in thread notifications, etc. Follow the instructions for whitelisting the newsletter and you'll be okay in most cases.


Re: multiple newsletters

The utility sends out 300 emails at a time, then pauses and loads the second "page" of addresses. For some reason, I usually have to restart the second page - I think that's where the extra emails come in, so if your address happens to be on page 2, you get the extra copies - if you're on page 1, you don't.

So there goes my theory on certain people being extra special and receiving extra copies :D

Oh well, at least we now know why this is happening.

Thanks David :)
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