More threads by Seraphine


Hello...I guess most of you have read my introduction, so you are aware of the general idea. I'll just delve a little deeper into one aspect of what i mentioned.

I started working at this senior home in April. It's a very new concept in North America, even though the company has been open for over twenty years, people still have a hard time wrapping their heads around it.

It's very simple's just hard to believe that a home would run that way. They are a social model, not a medical model. So it looks like someone's home, it's big and beautifully decorated. The residents are given freedom of choice with, what time they get up, whether they take their meds or not etc. It's an amazing place to work and i love it. Prior to this, i was working mostly in the customer service field but i was miserable. I had recently made the decision to pursue Nursing but had trouble getting into the program. I was placed on a waiting list because there were over 500 applicants, more than any year in the history of Nursing at the college i applied to. The reason being, there is a HUGE shortage of Nurses right now.

Anyway, I digress (i do a lot of that...), i'm under a lot of pressure at work. I do the med pass, which for people who don't know what that means, i give the medication to the residents. I work day shift so i give medication in the morning and afternoon. The day shift is a lot more intense than afternoon shift, i've done both.

Because of all the things that have piled into my corner lately, more recently the newest member of the home i work grandmother, I have been under lots of stress. At first it was very difficult, i admit. I went with my father to bring her to the home. She was upset when she realized what was happening and after i told my father to leave she told me to get out of her room, she never wanted to see me again. That entire week was better though. She moved in on the Sunday and Monday through to the next Sunday she was in a good mood, she was active with the other residents, participating in activities and socializing. She was happy to see me every time i approached her, although she did say she was very angry at my father and mother for placing her. I did my best to redirect her and took it all in stride. The Monday after her first week, i went to her room one morning to say hello and she told me to get out, that she asked me not to home here and she never wanted to see me again. Ever since (it's been about three weeks) it's been like that. She ignores me when she sees me even if i say hi. I gave up and just decided to be happy with the fact that she was safe and happy, she had stimulation and was flourishing. I thought i was doing fine. But apparently my body and mind were betraying me.

My boss approached me one day for a chat, which terrified me. She told me that she felt the situation with my grandmother was distracting me. She told me that several people had found pills in some residents rooms, basically saying that i wasn't paying attention and they either did not take the pills or took them out of their mouths after i left. I was mortified.

I told her first of all, that there are other people that give medication besides me, so how did she know for sure it was me. I am the first one to admit when i've done something wrong, i'm open to constructive criticism especially when i've only been doing something for 4 months with no prior experience. However, there was no proof that these incidents involved me. The next day she told me that i left a bottle of cough syrup outside one of the residents rooms....definitely me....i know that. She told me that she would be taking one day off my schedule and that i need to focus. My boss is an amazing person, i look to her as a mentor because she is a RN and she has been for 15 years, she knows her stuff.

Now i need to figure out a way to balance all of this because this job means everything to me. I have finally found something that i can call a career...that isn't just a way to earn money to pay bills for me.

I spoke to my boss and also the Director of the home about possibly being transfered to the same home, but in the next town...which would actually be closer for me. That is another issue. I travel three hours a day to get to work, if i transfered to the other home, i'd be travelling less than an hour a day to get there.

It is a possibilty (my boss was less enthusiastic than the Director because she likes having me there). I would have to go through another interview and make sure my performance is stellar when that happens.

The thing is....i want to know, am i being weak by looking in that direction? Am i giving up and not trying to stabilize my situation where I am?

I want to be happy and comfortable but I also want to be strong. I don't want anyone thinking that i can't do this.

What do you all think?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No, I don't think you're being weak. You've outlined some pretty good reasons why a transfer would be a good idea for you. Finding a balance between work and stress is something we all need to do sooner or later.
Hi Serapine,

I'm sorry things feel so complex for you right now, elderly people can at times become like your Grandma , this sort of rejection can happen to care professionals too .

I think you are wise to try to negotiate a transfer , to another branch of the same structure , you personal and professional life would then be clearly seperated , which is not the case at the moment ... then you can be free to concentrate entirely on your job which you like so much , and visit your Grandmother in your free time , I am sure she will come round once you do not work in the home where she is . let us know what you decide to do .

best wishes white page:support:
i don't think you are being weak either. i think it would be a good solution to the situation. it must be very stressful to have your grandmother there and have her reject you every time she sees you. maybe it is affecting you more than you realize, and if so i only think that's natural.

i also think that a reduction in travel time would be wonderful for you. it would give you more time to relax and/or do things that need to be done at home.


thanks everyone.....that really makes me feel better....
sometimes it's good to be reassured that what you're thinking of doing is not stupid...

Ok i've just done some research on publish transportation in my city. It would actually take me the same amount of time to get to this other home. So the time travel would be the same. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. Travelling is killing me. I need a solution...i don't know where to start because my mind is all over the place right now.
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...i don't know where to start because my mind is all over the place right now.

When events in one's life seem to be overwhelming, it is probably not the best time to make decisions, particularly life altering or career altering decisions.

In fact, it might be advisable to not even talk about a job transfer at work until you have a clear idea as to what's best..not just for your convenience, but also what's best for your career.

It might be more advantageous for your career to stay where you are for a while, just as it might be better to transfer. But until you have a clear idea, it's beat to do nothig for now.

Consider making a list of each issue that is causing you stress at this time.

Then, working with your husband, whose opinion you said you trust, arrange your list as to which item is most important to resolve first, second third and so on.

This might give you a better perspective of where you are going, and can give you achievable goals to accomplish.

Working at this piece-meal may be easir than trying to solve everything at once.


thanks Steve...that definitely makes sense.
I will do that...i think it will work. But how do i keep my mind at peace? I want to get back into Yoga...that was helping me..but i'm so exhausted all the time. I feel like i'm not getting enough sleep. I have no motivation for anything right now.


How much sleep are you getting on average? What do you feel is the quality of your sleep?

In order to function effectively during the day we need 8 to 9 hours of good quality sleep, on a regular basis.

Without that, we can lose concentration during the day, be irratable and have trouble making decisions.

Have you discussed your difficulty with sleep with your doctor? Your doctor may recommend some non medicianl sleep strategies, or may find that medication to help you sleep may be right for you.

Newer sleep medications are short acting, with a rapid onset and are non habit forming.

Have a look in the Psychlinks section on sleep HERE for some suggestions including some tips on how to sleep without medications.


on average...let's see..i go to bed around 9pm and i wake up at 5am so that's approximately 7-8 hours sleep a night. I'm not sure if i'm getting a good nights sleep, all i know is that when i wake up i'm very tired. I think maybe since i'm not facing and working on my problems during the day, my mind is doing it while i sleep.
I don't think my doctor would suggest non-medicinal ways to fix things. I went to see her a few months ago about my anxiety and before i was even finished telling her the whole story she was writing me a prescription for Celexa.
I'm going to check out that link you gave me....also...i need to kick my butt into gear with the Yoga. I'm certain that it will help, it's just a matter of stopping the endless procrastination!
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