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Hi all.

I live in Ontario. I have struggled with suicidal tendencies since I was a child, about 9/10 years old. I have tried to commit suicide on several occasions. When I was ten I tried to swallow a lot of pills, which knocked me out for several days. When I was a teen I was placed in the hospital involuntarily for a month for my bad mental health in the adolescent unit. I self-harmed at the time, and continued for a few more years. I've recently started again. I was prescribed medication for my bad anxiety by my family doctor when I was a teen and was on it for awhile, but stopped taking it for some reason. I've struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, though I've never been "officially" diagnosed. I've only been loosely prescribed medication for my issues. I don't think diagnosis ever came up with the doctors. Which is strange, as I was prescribed anti-anxiety medication when I was 13.

I spent a two years of my life at home, never going outside. I could count the amount of times I went outside in a year with my hands. I have panic attacks when I have to make phone calls. I freak out and don't pick up when I receive them, even if they are important. I can't go to the doctor or dentist by myself. Or anywhere. I need someone with me. When we eat out, I ask my mom to tell them my order. I just can't face people, even if it causes embarrassment or anger from those around me. I managed to get a job somehow, without my high school diploma (long story), but I recently quit due to the distress and panic attacks I had. Due to my families financial issues I made myself work there for almost a year. It was very hard. I eventually cracked and couldn't do it anymore. Pretty much every day I hope I will die in my sleep. I had to take sleeping pills a lot because I would lie in bed distressed and wide awake picking my lips raw and bloody, but had to go to work. If they scheduled me more than 2/3 days a week at work I would be extremely upset, and could not enjoy my days off. Nowadays I usually sleep over 12 hours a day. I'm tired of this life. I don't have the will. Many of my relatives struggle with mental health. Many are on disability, so it is not news to them that I have "inherited" what they have. My mom thinks I have OCD as well, as I constantly pick at my scalp and lips until they bleed and scab, and I feel the need to do this even though it hurts. I've done the lip picking since I was young. The scalp scratching started when I started working, which is something my mom pointed out.


My family is very poor. My mom let me quit my job, and I have saved enough money to last us a few months on the hope that I might get ODSP. If not, I don't know what we'll do. After I quit my job due to the emotional distress, my mom suggested I try applying for ODSP. Our family doctor is VERY supportive of us and our situations. He helped my relatives get on disability, including my mom. I have no doubt he will help me in this situation. We have set up an appointment with him. My questions are, what should I do in this situation? I thought of going to him and asking for an official diagnosis - maybe see a psychiatrist for a assessment. After if I am diagnosed, have those forms with the ODSP forms and have my family doctor sign off the forms. Should I have a legal aid lawyer during this process, or only if I am rejected? I heard nearly everyone is rejected at first, but you can turn it around with the appeal. Should I get a legal aid lawyer before going to see the doctor, after I see the doctor, or if I get rejected and need to appeal?

My mom thinks I should become an in patient at the hospital again for my mental health. I think she says it may be easier for me, as there is a psychiatrist there to diagnose me if needed and they will help with ODSP. I don't believe I will get CPP as I don't think I have worked enough. I will be honest and say that I basically sabotaged my job due to my mental health. I called in sick a lot when I burnt out and could not face anyone, not even get out of bed. If it also means anything, I suffer from chronic migraines. I've suffered from this since I could barely remember. I've always gone to doctors for it. I am currently on prescription for them.

Help would be much appreciated. I can barely sleep from this stress and I have lost a lot of weight due to the lack of appetite. I've never felt so horrible. I constantly feel like I'm about to go on a stage and perform. These nerves are killing me. I'm sorry if this post is very long and whiny. I've basically read all the posts online about ODSP and anxiety/depression but I feel like I need to make a post. I don't know what to do and my head is spinning around.

I have suffered from suicidal tendencies, anxiety, and depression since I was a child. I have medical history of being prescribed medication for anxiety by my family doctor. I also suffer from chronic migraines, if relevant. I do not have my high school if that is relevant. I've always struggled with school and motivation. I do not go anywhere, I stay at home. People invite me out, but I don't feel like going or doing anything. I rely on my mom and other relatives to "do the talking" for me. I can't face people. I sleep 12 hours a day on average. I am not officially diagnosed, just loosely prescribed medication. What are my chances with ODSP, and what steps do I need to take in this process? This post is long I apologize. There is still things left out and so much for me to say but it's too long.


Welcome to the forum.

My suggestion would be to take one step at a time as ODSP can be a slow process. Having the support of your doctor is very important as he will need to fill out forms and confirm that you are doing your best to follow recommended treatment. Having a specific diagnosis from your doctor would be helpful but I do not think you need help from a lawyer unless you are denied ODSP. It would probably be good to have someone help you with the forms as there is a lot to fill out. Have you received the forms to apply for ODSP?

So glad that you are reaching out for help and that your mom is supportive.


Yes. He has been our family doctor since I was a little girl. He has helped our family and extended family in many ways, and I am happy to know that I have him and his support. I do not have the forms yet, my mom said she will get them. My mom is taking the lead on this and I have not asked her how to get the forms. I will try to speak up of course, but she will be my support the entire time. Do you think I should bring ODSP forms to the doctor for my appointment a few weeks from now, or not bring them and just talk to him about wanting a diagnosis and applying for ODSP? I'm not sure it's wise at this point to apply for ODSP if I am not officially diagnosed. I am not sure. I think my chances would be less likely? I don't know.


Definitely talk with your doctor about a diagnosis, he could even write a brief note specifying the most urgent concern. Your mother can be your support but I think you might have to call and set up the appointment to apply for ODSP yourself. If you are nervous and stressed about doing this then let them know how difficult it is for you, possibly they can meet with you at your home if going out to a meeting is too difficult for you. Good-luck.
I don't know where you are from but it is good to have someone in the medical field to help you fill out the form and to help you write a letter stating what it is you are going through and how you are struggling. A social worker that works in the mental health field can help you with that.


Hey, helpwelp. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I grew up in a poor family too, have depression and anxiety (only diagnosed well into adulthood), chronic migraines, and the scalp scratching thing which mostly comes up when I am working quite intensely. I also relate to sleep and appetite disturbances in the past. I took some extra time and an alternative route to achieve my high school graduation. Right now, I am doing quite well. I've learned quite a bit recently about my conditions and am getting help that works from my supportive husband and a good pro. I have managed a lot that at points I never would have thought possible. Time has brought much within reach.
It may be helpful for your application that you have a consistent doctor. I am sure I have read material in waiting rooms encouraging Canadians to be proactive patients, by bringing written talking points to appointments and asking direct questions like, "What's my diagnosis?" I look forward to hearing any updates you choose to share.


Hi all, here to update. I have been denied. :/ I am very depressed now but I have read that denial is very common and can be overturned, so I am trying to be positive.

It turns out I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at a young age, I was just unaware. I submitted two psych reports with my application and my doctor was very thorough. I don't think anything is amiss from my application. I also included a self-report.

Anyway... I was wondering how I should proceed at this point. I have the internal review form with me. Should I fill it in myself (in which case how much can I write and what is your advice?) and submit it, or leave it for now and take it to legal aid?

Thanks again for all your help and warm welcoming.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I would recommend that you get advice from Legal Aid and your doctor.

ODSP is a bureaucracy. For reasons that escape me, they seem to deny most claims the first time around, almost as if that's their policy, but many are approved on appeal./


Thanks for your advice. I would like to think that I still have a chance. They seem to want you to give up... Not yet for me.

One of my relatives appealed on her own without legal aid and it was overturned for her. Do you think I could do this on my own or is that not wise?

I may or may not just want to get out of having to set up legal aid. I'll always try to get out of phone calls. But whatever I need to do, I guess.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don?t know how useful legal aid would be. Medical input is more critical I think.

Start by taking the forms to your doctor.

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