More threads by Chibi


So my return to work date is looming on the horizon, it isn't until sometime in October but I've been anxious about it for a month now. I don't think my doctor is going to approve of me going back to work and I certainly don't think I can handle it (I still can't handle going outside without a 'handler') I haven't received any benefits since February from them and my ODSP while is approved I haven't gotten a call yet to set up the appointment to talk to a case worker yet.

I don't necessarily want to quit my job...I loved what I was doing. I love working! I just.....can't right now. I don't know if I should quit, or if there what I should be doing. I've already been off now 7 months and have already extended my leave of absence once already. I just...I don't know what I should do!


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
1. What sort of leave are you on? Employee Insurance Plan? EI medical leave?

2. Are you seeing a therapist of some sort, someone other than your family doctor?


The leave I'm on is just a Personal Leave of Absence... I received a bit of EI Medical support in March but I'm currently in an appeal with them to extend it (they keep claiming to have 'misplaced' the medical certificates I've sent them)

I'm still seeing a Psychiatrist once every two weeks, we still haven't found a medication that 'works' or in the very least makes me feel even a little bit better and able to function better than I have been.



Right now I'm currently on OW for financial assistance until the ODSP starts, which I don't know when that will be :|


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What you need is someone who will provide clear documentation of your current limitations or disabilities. Is your family doctor willing to do that?
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