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I've only just recently applied to ODSP and even though my social worker from OW,who's a sweetheart and I feel horrible for crying all over her desk when she told me that ODSP had out right LIED to me by telling me I had to be on OW before I could apply for ODSP, and I'm wondering a few things. I know there's a wait period, and I'm prepared a little bit for a long wait ahead of me, but do they send any notice when they've received your application? Is there anywhere online to check for updates (similar to EI when waiting on a decision)? Though my doctor seems to think I shouldn't have any trouble getting on, all of my problems are mental and I'm not sure how that translates on the application...

Just a lot of over worrying on my part, I suppose. But I can't help it!


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There really are no rules when it comes to ODSP applications, except one: your documentation (i.e., from your doctors and other health care professionals; if you have more than one, get all of them to submit) must be thorough.

I have seen individuals be approved on the first attempt and quickly when everything is clear and in order. I have seen others who have been appealing and re-appealing for years, either because the documentation really didn't support disability or because there was too much missing or ambiguous information in the application.


I definitely appreciate the help and words of support. I think I've done all I can on my part, at least on the form. I wrote a small novel I think... What has me worried right now is my doctor not filling it out or not filling it out properly. He's already messed up my EI paperwork AND my Insurance LTD papers -_-

But thank you both :) its nice to have people support rather than tell me I don't need it


Account Closed
They will send you a letter that they have received your completed application. Their legislation says 90 business days to review your application. Ya right, more like 120 business days before I got my denial. Over 50% of applications are denied. They do their best to disuade people from applying. As of right now it has been 14 months for me to get to the SBT (Social Benefits Tribunal) for appeal, even with my doctors diagnoses, physiotherapist and back specialist documentation. I suffer from chronic anxiety/depression and chronic back pain. They think I should just take a bunch of dope and I will be OK. I refuse to take to many pills. I will be making a posting on your rights under Canadian Law to help others fight these evil people. This is my opinion only. Hang in there! ;)

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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
To be fair, the reason a lot of applications are rejected is because the documentation submitted simply does not support the claim of disability. This is especially true for people who are refusing for various reasons to take medications or other treatments for their condition which might in fact make them able to work.


Just an update on my situation:

I received a letter from ODSP dated July 26th saying that they were aware I had received my package and needed to have the forms filled out by October 24th. The only thing strange I thought was that they said they received that info July26th as opposed to July 13th when I had the appointment with Ontario Works. *shrugs* oh well.
I received a letter the next day July 27th letting me know they'd received the package (I had a mild panic attack and then laughed when I actually read it). So...things are going well so far, it's in their hands now and all I can do is sit back and just keep documenting everything 'just in case' I get denied the first time.

I will say I know why some people seem confused by the 90days = 3 months thing... it is 90 BUSINESS days makes sense.

Here's hoping things stay this smooth, I need a break.....

<3 Chibi
When I applied they received the form February 02 2011. It was at the end of July when I got the news that I was accepted. Then I had to give them a copy of all my pay stub and any medical traveling expense when I saw my DR in Ottawa and I got back time money as of February 2011.

When I applied I was working and I am still working but only 6 hours a day so when they calculated how much I make a month I still qualified. I was told it could take up to 8 months to get an answer. My DR clearly spelled out the problems I had which one was my mental health and I sent them copies of information like a report of a hearing test showing how bad my hearing was, a report saying I had CIDP and when I wrote how everything affected me it was brutal and honest and how my ADHD really affected me big time. I am embarrassed by some of the things I wrote but they were truthful things. I was told 80% of the people get denied and I was lucky I was part of the 20%. My Dr originally didn't want to fill out the form. But I kept up after him. He was worried if I got rejected and how that would affect me mentally.




I just want everyone to know that there -is- light at the end of the tunnel. I was expecting long wait times, and having to fight for this. I got a letter today saying that I've been approved. I'm just really overwhelmed at the moment and can't stop crying because after getting my EI denied and then my insurance through work denied because the person in charge of my claim quit without referring my case to anyone...

The system can work, we just have to be patient with it

<3 Chibi


So it's been 2 months since I got my approval letter, I'm freaking out, but it's happening. I just have to keep telling myself that I'm approved and it's going to get better....
Have you recieved a notice from ODSP to when benefits will start i hope soon you should recieve a letter with a contact number your workers name that you call and yes hun things will get better I am so happy for you hugs


I am actually going to meet with them today to discuss my situation and meet my worker for the first time. I never received a letter with the contact number but a phone call does just as well...sometimes anyway.


All did not go well and I'm still freaking out over it ;_;

First of all I think they definitely need to have their staff trained to deal better with people who can barely make it out of their homes better than this woman. I understand my banking is all ****ed up and hard to work with, and yes I pay rent to my father but he still gifts me $100 bi/weekly to help pay for a debt that he and my mother put me in...yes I cry easily (more so now that I have issues) but she was downright rude and mean to me.

I did not have all of the information apparently, but I brought every single piece of information she requested on the phone. So now I have to worry about getting her more statements and figuring things out. I just want this to be over and done with so I can go and curl up in the closet in the dark.

Hun have someone go with you ok you need someone there to talk to these people to help you I know it all seems overwhelming but it will end just get someone to help you next time I found if my duaghter had someone there to help you understand what was being asked of her and to help answer some of the questions it went better for all involved. The lady was just doing her job but i agree some can be very non understanding of someone with an illness hugs to you


Thanks forgetmenot :)

I have someone with me all the time because of the anxiety, I do understand that she was doing her job but she flat out told me "i don't know your situation and I don't really care to know it" to me that says she hasn't even looked at any of my files or the medical paperwork that was filled out for this.
Very harsh words not very professional of her perhaps next time you can ask to speak to someone different someone that has a bit more compassion. Sounds like she is there to do a job and to get paid no more then that It is all about business they need to know income money going in and out of account
If you have other financial strains like if you drive need money for gas insurance ect phone bills other expenses so just have all the things she wants and give it to her and answer and questions best you can you will get through it hun I know it seems hard but just push through ok Once this is done your cheques will be on the way hugs
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