More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Positive online support group for people with chronic pain
By adiemusfree
Sun, Oct 18 2009

Chronic Pain Revolutions ? an online forum for people with chronic pain. There are precious few of these for people with chronic pain, and this is one without too much emphasis on pain reduction.

Stated objectives are:

The purpose of this site is to help fill a void that exists today in society and help provide the much-needed social network for those in chronic pain. We will do what we can to establish support for those in chronic pain and elevate their quality of life so they can keep their minds on what really matters. Our aim is to provide a resource of research and treatment information. As well, a social network, an online community, and financial support where possible for people in chronic pain. The name uses the plural, Revolutions as each person in chronic pain must undergo an individual revolution in order to maintain the best quality of life possible. There will also be many facets to the Chronic Pain Revolution, thus we decided Revolutions best conveyed our many ambitions.
Thanks to the HealthSkills Blog.
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