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I feel overwhelmed. I'm stuck and I don't know how to unstick myself. I can't seem to get anything done. I start and stop. It depresses me. If it isn't one thing it is another. The latest. I fell of a chair trying to dust the ceiling fan. Dumbass for dusting without using a ladder considering I have fibro-myalgia in my neck and back. I am so behind I can't freaking focus on getting what I need to get done, done. I feel like crap and I am mad at myself because I can't seem to just do it and get it done!


Re: Overwhelm

Im not very good at replys and im not sure this is what you mean but just wanted to say that sometimes i feel like that, like ive got soooo many things to do and i cant get anywhere so i end up just sitting on the computer putting them off, but what helped was to write everything down in a list so i could see them, and even do one thing a day and tick it off.. gradually you'll start to feel better and see your actually getting things done. I dont feel worthy to give advice thats why i hardly post coz i feel stupid, but i hope that helped in someway.


sometimes i feel like that, like ive got soooo many things to do and i cant get anywhere so i end up just sitting on the computer putting them off
How did you know?

what helped was to write everything down in a list so i could see them, and even do one thing a day and tick it off..
I'll try it...I will let you know how it works out. I will start my list tonight. Thank you, Silent Ninja, Great idea!
I know this might sound silly, but sometimes I set the oven timer for 15 minutes and I do as much as I can and then I sit down and take a break.

Hope you feel better soon.
Hey I know what you mean that happens a lot to me. Hope you are ok from the fall. Try to do one thing at time. Don't focus on anything but that one task. Then when you can maybe focus on two.

It can be really hard to do. I still have trouble with that
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