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Thanks Jesse. I know you're right. And that's the annoying thing, when you can see something rationally but you feel so drawn to what is potentially the wrong thing. I feel so vulnerable that I am sure that I will end up continuing with this therapist. I really need her right now, I need her to be nice to me again.



Hi All,

Just thought I would give you an update on how it turned out with my therapist. I decided to continue to see her despite the things I didn't like in her contract. I called the BACP to ask if it was normal that she takes 10 weeks holiday and charges me if I take more than 4 weeks and they said that was fine and that's what some of them do. I was surprised but in a way relieved that I didn't have to be too angry at her for that.

I have been seeing her these last few weeks and she has been so kind to me like she always used to be. Yesterday I was 35 mins late for my appointment because we had heavy snow. She let me stay 10 mins longer than normal until she had her next client, then she said I could come back an hour later if I wanted. So I did and she gave me the full 50 mins. I thought that was really kind of her as I had already had 20 mins earlier on. I left yesterday feeling like she really cares about me.

Poss :)


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I'm so happy to hear that Poss :). I can imagine that you were relieved. Thanks for giving us the update. I'm also sending you support today as I see you're not feeling good...:support:
Hi All,

Just thought I would give you an update on how it turned out with my therapist. I decided to continue to see her despite the things I didn't like in her contract. I called the BACP to ask if it was normal that she takes 10 weeks holiday and charges me if I take more than 4 weeks and they said that was fine and that's what some of them do. I was surprised but in a way relieved that I didn't have to be too angry at her for that.
Poss :)

Hi Poss,
My therapist also takes 10 weeks holiday, I was also quite surprised! But then I sort of understand as they have tough job!
Glad to hear that she was really supportive and you have managed to accept her conditions to be able to carry on working with her.
littlepieces :)



I am glad that you have decided to continue with your therapist and that she was kind and caring towards you during your last session.

Take care
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