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MedlinePlus: Partner abuse tied to poor mental health in men
Thursday, January 22, 2009

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Men who are involved in abusive relationships -- as perpetrators, victims or both -- may have a high rate of depression and other mental health problems, a new study finds.

The findings, say researchers, suggest one reason why abuse-prevention programs aimed at men have had limited success; they often fail to address the mental health problems that many of these men may have.

A "central problem" in treating batterers is how to match individuals to the type of therapy they need, the researchers, led by Dr. Karin V. Rhodes of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, write in the Annals of Family Medicine.

The findings are based on more than 1,000 men seen at the same large urban emergency department; past research has suggested that there is a high rate of intimate partner abuse among patients at ERs, which are often the sole source of healthcare for low-income, uninsured Americans.

Of the 712 study participants who had been in a relationship in the past year, 37 percent said there had been physical, verbal or sexual abuse. Most men admitted only to being the victim, while 6 percent said they were the perpetrator and 11 percent said the abuse went both ways.

Overall, the study found, men in any kind of abusive relationship had higher risks of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal behavior and substance abuse.

More than 18 percent screened positive for depression, for example, compared with roughly 3 percent of men who reported no abuse. Among those who said they were both the perpetrator and victim of the abuse, 40 percent were depressed, the study found.

The findings, according to Rhodes and her colleagues, suggest that when men are screened for mental health symptoms or substance abuse, it might also be wise to ask them questions about abusive behavior and victimization.

However, the researchers add, few studies have looked at whether screening men for abuse is effective. As it stands, most programs that screen and treat men involved in abusive relationships have been conducted within the criminal justice system.

More studies should focus on moving such screening into healthcare as well, the researchers conclude.

SOURCE: Annals of Family Medicine, January/February 2009.
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