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Hi folks, first time i looked over this forum in a few years i guess. I've been on Paxil since then and it really helped me change around my life in alot of areas.

The real issue i haven't gotten a hold of is alcohol abuse.

Anyhow, that's not my focus for this post.
I just came off a bender and i never took my paxil meds for a few days while i was drunk, not sure how many. It could be anywhere from 2-4days i never took my medication, i have a very bad memory when i drink.

The last few days i have felt very anxious and unmotivated to do anything - weight train, visit family etc Things i really enjoy doing. I also had a few mild anxiety attacks.

After reading over the Kind Mr. Baxter's stickies on anti-depressants and SSRI's i really hope this is just temporary because it seems Paxil leaves your body rather quickly and i'm sure all the alcohol made it even faster.

I will say i'm better then i was a few days ago and i also stopped using Max effort training - lifting has much weight has you can - which is very CNS intensive and is known to cause depression for a short period of time.

I've read awhile ago Paxil stops working, is this true? Can you have a relapse? Really like to start to feel good again, the best i ever felt honestly in my adult life the last few years.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I just came off a bender and i never took my paxil meds for a few days while i was drunk, not sure how many. It could be anywhere from 2-4days i never took my medication, i have a very bad memory when i drink.

That's probably just as well. Mixing alcohol with heavy alcohol intake isn't a good idea - your liver probably won't like it.

The last few days i have felt very anxious and unmotivated to do anything - weight train, visit family etc Things i really enjoy doing. I also had a few mild anxiety attacks.

After reading over the Kind Mr. Baxter's stickies on anti-depressants and SSRI's i really hope this is just temporary because it seems Paxil leaves your body rather quickly and i'm sure all the alcohol made it even faster.

Paxil does have a relatively short half-life but it also has a known problem of a nasty discontinuation symdrome for many people - the discontinuation effects can continue for several days or longer for some people.

I've read awhile ago Paxil stops working, is this true? Can you have a relapse? Really like to start to feel good again, the best i ever felt honestly in my adult life the last few years.

That is possible with any of the SSRIs - for some people at least. You've also just come off a bender which may well have depleted B12 and other nutrients that have some relation to depression. It may take a while to recover from the "shock" to your system.

If you're back on Paxil now, continue with that and go talk to your doctor about what happened.



What treatments are you receiving for the alcohol abuse?

None but i did actually do a little research online tonight about it. If i don't get a handle on it soon i will be looking for help/support.

I really think i can stop on my own, its just a very old habit with me and i surround myself too much with alcohol. Once i get back to work i won't see much of it.

I'm not a daily drinker but rather a binge drinker. My main problem really is i get reckless drunk and blackout.

Anyhow, thanks for the forum you guys run here. I can rember a little when i was in the worst shape of my life when i joined this forum, thank God i'm very far anyway from that place now.

All the best,

Seems i can't edit my first post. It came off alittle wrong.

Alcohol abuse is the only real issue i haven't gotten a hold on yet. I have come a long ways on other areas. :)
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I'm not a daily drinker but rather a binge drinker. My main problem really is i get reckless drunk and blackout.


You are to be commended on your awareness that this is a problem in your life.

I am not an expert on the illness of alcoholism, but my understanding is there are different forms inwhich the illness manifests itself.

In some people they may be daily drinkers, while in others the illness manifests itself by binge drinking. I believe the blackout aspect may also be a significant sign of the illness.

The good news is that there is help available, either through your local AA, local substance abuse programs, local mental health professionals.

Can you get a referral to a mental health specialist in your area who can help treat your alcohol abuse?
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