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I was in psychoanalysis for years, and I know I improved a lot. There was a moment when I had a session only if there was something extraordinary like my father's death, or losing a job. My analyst died some years ago and I have not looked for another one, I thought I could handle things.
There were some events that changed my perception, I was mugged twice, assaulted for no reason once (I think the person was drugged or something) and maybe these things have ruined all the years of effort because if I go to work or to an appointment where someone is waiting for me I go out without problem but during this vacation it was clear to me that when I have errands to run I look for a reason NOT to go out, I postpone it for the next day or the next, for example today I was very, very, anxious when walking on the street, I know that being aware of one's feelings is good, but can I overcome this? it's so frustrating to be the prisioner of my fear to something I cannot really point to. Can you recommend me something to do or read. :confused:
Thanks a lot
Hi Elena being mugged wow hun what a frightening situation I think if you can find a new therapist hun it would help you with your anxiety you are feeling now. There are articles here on forum about anxiety too hun but i think if you can get someone a professional to help you it would be more beneficial to you hugs


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hi Elena, sorry to hear you've had such nasty things happen :(

One stressful event like a mugging can certainly lead to feelings of anxiety when in a similar environment such as walking around the city, and more than one event can compound this. Sometimes it will pass on its own, but avoiding the situation as much as possible can unfortunately make the anxiety worse in the long run. I don't think there's any harm in popping along to a psychologist or a doctor to get an assessment. That way you'll know for sure what the best thing to do is, and, anyway, you deserve some support as you come to terms with what has happened.

Best of luck.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Going to therapy worked for you in the past and has left an obvious self awareness that is now highlighting within yourself the issues these awful events have raised for you.

I would not hesitate in going back at this moment.

It may only take you a few sessions to get back on track as you have come so far already.

But as you well know from already having therapy you need to listen to yourself and not ignore the warning signs you are giving yourself.

I think you have coped remarkably well considering your awful experiences.


Thank you very much, I will look for another therapyst, and thank you for being understanding and supportive. I have friends and cousins who love me but they do not understand the degree of anxiety one can feel. They just say one must be optimistic and it's a matter of attitude and effort and that makes me feel like it?s my fault not to overcome my panic. Thanks again.
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