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yeah I would think of that as a loss, but I like the fact that you pointed out that it's also more like a gain, b/c it wasn't a good relationship to be in.. so in a way, it's a loss and a gain.

the fact that you don't have to worry about a therapist judging you is exactly why therapy is a good idea. as for your friend, I think you kind of answered your own question; it has taken time to trust him and this trust has had to grow. I'm the kind of person who can open up fairly quickly to people if I feel like I can trust them, but this can also carry some danger... in terms of relationships though, breadth usually comes before depth, so this is also something to think about (I guess b/c there is that danger of "what will the other person think of me if I tell them 'x'"? so you have to "test out the waters" first...).

I also don't want anyone to think I have let them down, I used to spend a lot of time being a pillar of strenght for others, as I found it easier to worry about and help others and forget about myself
this is so true for so many people. it always seems easier worrying about other people's problems b/c you can be objective and focus on their lives, which in a way eliminates having to focus on one's own. but in the long run this does catch up w/ people if you only ever focus on everyone else and not yourself. the thing is, people are going to take and take and keep taking if you're giving all that you have until you say "enough". it doesn't mean you're not a good friend. the times you have been there for them in the past won't be forgotten so you're not letting anyone down. but in a way they're thinking you're "okay" right? but don't you think you're letting them down more by letting them think that than telling them the truth and still being their 'strength' when you can? if everyone would do that, it would make a lot of people feel like they could open up more b/c you wouldn't always think everyone else's life is perfect. so in a way we're all contributing to that image...


Hello, it's me again.? This is the first time in what feels like a lifetime that I have felt strong enough to post.? Everything was going fairly well, the few people I have told about how I am feeling have been great, and supported me in any way they can.? The thing I do find frustrating is sometimes I cant answer their questions because I just don't know the answers.? I have tried to explain this to them by saying to them "if you want to know something ask me, if I have an answer I will tell you".? But sometimes I just can't find the answer to why I feel certain things at times.? Does this make any sense, it confuses me!?

Now I feel like I am slipping back down the slope, one person that I have confided in has also confided in me.? He is only 27 years old and feels he can trust me enough now, to tell me that he has cancer.? (He told me the day before Christmas Eve).? He has been fighting it for just over 18 months and it keeps coming back.? I know some might say it's not my problem, but he has been a good friend to me and I want to help him in any way I can.? I am trying to be strong for him, but I do find it very difficult when I see him after treatment and he is suffering with pain and very emotional.? I still get upset if someone looks at me the wrong way, so seeing a friend distressed hurts even more.?

If anyone has any ideas on how I can make him feel better about himself, he keeps saying he is going to give up having treatment.? It will in turn help me, I think, to pull myself back up a bit and be stronger for both of us.


you have no idea how much sense that makes! wanting to be able to explain to people how you're feeling but being unable to do so. in fact, my friends got very frustrated w/ me b/c of this a while ago and I was frustrated too at them getting upset and me not being able to find the right words, and I was searching my mind like mad trying to think of "the" reason as to why I was feeling the way I was, but I couldn't. so I ended up writing them a letter expressing how I was feeling and why (to the best of my own understanding) and it helped a whole bunch, b/c there was no way I could have said all of those things in a normal conversation and it was still exactly what I was feeling though- I just wrote, didn't edit, spell check (lol) or anything else. you could try that maybe?

I'm sorry to hear about your friend... hats off to you though that you were able to open up to him and he was able to open up to you, that says a lot about your relationship. remember that all you can really do is be there for him just like that's all he can do for you- but that in itself is worth so much, just think of how much his support has meant to you. I found some sites that may or may not help...
When someone you love is being treated for cancer
Coping with cancer- has many links!!!
When cancer returns

also, is he in any support groups??? I remember you saying that you have a therapy appt. in the new year... have you had that appt. already? you're open to going again so I think it'd be a good idea to get some support for yourself too, especially if you feel like you're slipping again...
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