More threads by Budoaiki

Since I have joined this forum I have learned a great deal from the kind and compassionate members here and I have found a great deal of wisdom from the posts I have read.

So I would like to start a thread where you can share some of the pearls of wisdom or mantra's that you use when you find yourself having a hard time that you have come up with to help you through the rough spots.

Say what you are feeling when you use it and how it helps or just the statement itself. For some examples;A simple one that I use when I get frustrated.

"If you lose your head it won't do you any good."

Which reminds me of how I sometimes lose focus then blow things out of proportion when I get upset and lose the clarity to see a resolution.

"Emotions are the seasons of the soul sometimes you just have to weather the storm."

I use that one for many different things.


Account Closed
I like this idea Budoaiki :)

When people try to manipulate me through guilt..."Oh well, not my issue".


Account Closed
What a great thread Budoaiki. :)

There is a saying that I have heard and lived by for many years - "Go big or go home"

Even though I liked it I had to change it. What it meant for me is that if what I was doing couldn't be done at a nobel prize winning status, not to do it at all. So I have changed it for myself

Simply - "Go Big". Whatever that means for you.

Another one I like is "there as got to be a way - I just need to find it"


No matter what is done by me or done to me, my value is never diminished.
The value of no-one is ever diminished.
Our actions will vary only from the ignorance of our connection, but not change the reality of it.

One I try to remember.
i haven't had to apply this one for a very long time now, but when i was dealing with panic attacks: "hang on just a little longer, into the light, just a little longer and you'll be ok", over and over again until it passed.

"doing something is better than nothing" - for any task that seems overwhelming to me.

"breathe, let go of the tension, don't fight it" - during contractions. i actually did truly experience that if i fought the pain of contractions they hurt more than if i tried to let go of that pain physically, and i have found that this analogy works for emotional pain as well. focus on breathing and trying to let go of the tension and it gets a little easier to bear.


Resident Canuck
If someone gets angry with me about something trivial I think to myself that saying "You! Off my planet" :lol:

If really bad things happen, I am not vindictive, I always remind myself that "Karma will take care of it"


Account Closed
I like that NN - "you, off my planet". But I'd probably also have these little guys on the brain - :smack: :D
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