More threads by Emotions_Blocked


Go to a senior residence and hug someone there. There are many forgotten souls there that would love a hug. :)


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i actually got a call from an old ex of mine.. and she seems to need some hugs.. but not so innocent ones though.
i m tempted but i dont know how it ll feel afterwards


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dammit thats what i hate..

if only there was a divine power that when you had a question it would point you to the best answer.. .(but whats best anyway... long term? short term?)

and please, if my wish comes true, i also want a teleport machine so i can teleport to another country (ahem) , and a time machine......


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Did someone miss me?.. i suppose not...

The pain is unbearable.
The questions are rising again.
What could have happen IF i could go to that country?
My mood is most of the time down. I get good for like 3 hours totally within a day and then bad again.

I am thinking i could call her and ask her if she wants me to go to her country and make an effort.
I am thinking i could disappear from home. If i tell my parents this plan they re going to say i m crazy and i shouldnt do it.
I have some money aside for starters. Tickets and basic stuff.

Its the crazyiest thing in the world. But just the THOUGHT it doing it makes me happy again. Makes me smile. Makes me dream. makes me ALIVE.

I just can't take it anymore. its been 2 months since we broke up. 3 months since she left. i CANT TAKE IT. i cant move on.
i dont feel like doing ANYTHING new or different. i want HER in my life again. I want these plans again in my life. This prospect. I want her forever with me. I want to marry her, have kids with her, grow old with her, die with her.

Its not egoism. I know it. Its not just the looks. Its the fairytale we had. It will NEVER happen again. Never will i live something like that again.

If only someone could tell me..
DO THAT...its the right thing to do.................

just ONE person......

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I just can't take it anymore. its been 2 months since we broke up. 3 months since she left. i CANT TAKE IT. i cant move on.

You can take it. You don't want to but you certainly can.

i dont feel like doing ANYTHING new or different. i want HER in my life again. I want these plans again in my life. This prospect. I want her forever with me. I want to marry her, have kids with her, grow old with her, die with her.

That's more accurate. You want things to be a certain way but reality isn't corresponding to what you want.

Its not egoism. I know it. Its not just the looks. Its the fairytale we had. It will NEVER happen again. Never will i live something like that again.

Faulty logic and distorted thinking. What you had was a fairytale. It will never happen again because it never really happened. What you had was a fantasy. The fantasy evaporated.

That doesn't mean you'll never have a rewarding and fulfilling relationship. It just means that you won't have the fantasy of this one.


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I can't understand.... why it was a fairytale... and not real... ?
why couldnt it go further?

i think i can change reality.. i can influence things.. i think its in my hands


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i dont know how she feels....
maybe she will say yes,come....

I am really thinking of doing that trip.....................
i am so tempted...
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it would be easier for me to decide, if she wouldnt leave for her country..
i would have the time to evaluate fully.
i knew it was going bad....but...

seems really interesting book.... i m trying to find it from a local retailer though to get it fast..cause it ships within weeks! and thats a lot

thanks david
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