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hi ive been getting hard breasts and if my breasts are touched the fell painful is this a sign of pregnancey.I used to be a size 8 and now i dont fit i now fit into a size 10 i also eat alot more than i used to can anyone help and give me any advice on what this might be

Daniel E.
Re: brests?

I'm sure others here know a lot more about female medical issues but it certainly seems to me you should see a doctor ASAP to find out what is going on.

Regarding pregnancy:

One of the first physical changes of pregnancy is a change in the way your breasts feel. They may feel tender, tingly or sore. Or they may feel fuller and heavier. As early as two weeks after conception, your breasts start to grow and change in preparation for producing milk. The primary cause of these changes is increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Changes in your breasts are often most dramatic when you're pregnant for the first time.

Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy - Mayo Clinic


Re: brests?

DNB, As Daniel noted (he knows a lot more about breasts then he is letting on ;) ) a change in breast size can be due to pregnancy. Some women also have painful and enlarged breasts during period time.

Weight gain can also increase breast size by a fair amount. Since I gained weight I have these huge breasts...just kidding. Just had to add some humour to the topic.

If you are experiencing unusal breast chnages then it is best to see your doctor ASAP.



Re: brests?

Forgot to add that starting/taking birth control pills can also change breast tissue and make them tender.
Re: brests?

dnb what do you mean by hard? do you mean just tenderness or literally that they feel hard?

if you suspect pregnancy, all you can do is wait until your period is due and then do a pregnancy test. any supposed pregnancy symptoms are usually quite similar to symptoms to just before having your period. there is just no way to know other than doing a test.
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