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I just want to know, what classes I should take in grade 11, that I need for Psychology.

My mistake. College and/or University.
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Daniel E.
If you take AP Psychology in high school and you score well on the AP Psychology exam, most colleges will allow the AP Psychology exam to count for up to 6 college credits in introductory psychology.

Of course, not all high schools offer AP courses, and high schools that do offer some AP courses may not offer AP Psychology.

Other AP courses would also be helpful. For example, AP Statistics could help with the statistics requirement for a psychology degree.


If you take AP Psychology in high school and you score well on the AP Psychology exam, most colleges will allow the AP Psychology exam to count for up to 6 college credits in introductory psychology.

Of course, not all high schools offer AP Psychology.

I don't think my school has that course. Does that stand for Applied Psychology?

Daniel E.
AP = Advanced Placement.

If you do not live in the US, then your high school may be less likely to offer AP high school courses and corresponding tests since I live in the US, where the AP courses are most popular.

Daniel E.
I would doubt, then, that college credit would be offered for such a course unless the course is specifically for the purpose of providing college credit. On the other hand, all of the courses at my school had very short names like "Pre-Algrebra" or "AP Calculus." You may want to ask your high school counselor about opportunities for high school students to get college credit. For example, in my high school over a decade ago, I was able to take some summer classes at the local community college. This was referred to as dual enrollment.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Oh I think I have that class.. It's called Introduction to Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology.

That's a standard curriculum course for Ontario high schools and, yes, it's a good intorduction to psychology. You won't get the credits in university that Daniel refers to - I don't believe that exists in Canada.

Other courses that would be useful to take in high school:

  • biology
  • math
  • chemistry

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Oh, I didn't know that, Daniel - thanks.

I wonder if this is part of what they call the "International Baccalaureate" program in certain high schools...


My school doesn't have it. It isn't on the list.

I'll see what I can do with the math, chemistry and bio.
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