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as ye can see i'm still here... not sure naymore when i'm going.. if indeed i do get to go anywhere at this stage . :(

I even managed not to s.i. for along time until last night..and now well i don't know what to think.. another bump maybe.. don't know.. i'm just so fed up!



It's just a bump in the road, nsa. It's not permanent, and it's not all that high. A little slip, that's all. Just try to keep your head up and keep going. Hopefully, you'll be able to get away for a bit soon.
nsa don't focus on the fact that you did si.. focus on the fact that you haven't done it for a long while. that is an accomplishment. today is another day and you can start over. just a little bump like tl said.



As you know me pretty well, I know all about bumps in the road and having to look at each and every day as a new one with it comes to si. You didn't do it for a long time and for that you should be extremely proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back for that and well I was just wondering if there is any connection between tapering off the meds and the need to SI. I might be completely out to lunch but just wondering?

Take care and remember that you are always in my thoughts. :)
Nsa, I've got to echo the rest - to not si in a long time is an achievment! Sometimes part of SIing is habitual, and so to break that habit deserves a pat on the back. So last night was a bad night for you - things like this happen to us, and while you should look at it as a measure of how poorley you were feeling, try not to get bogged down in the guilt of it all.
Thinking of you today
nsa i was thinking the same thing as nancy.. the si may have been a result of you tapering your meds more than your docs want you to. please consider this as a possibility.
ThatLady said:
It's just a bump in the road, nsa. It's not permanent, and it's not all that high. A little slip, that's all. Just try to keep your head up and keep going. Hopefully, you'll be able to get away for a bit soon.

I agree. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Nancy said:
I was just wondering if there is any connection between tapering off the meds and the need to SI

baseballcap said:
the si may have been a result of you tapering your meds more than your docs want you to

I think this is very possible. Please see my reply to your other post where I warned about a relapse by going off your meds too early.


Agreed. Tapering meds without a doctor's help is (while better than just quitting cold turkey) a risk. If the doctors feel you should be on these medications longer, their expertise on the subject gives them a more clear look at what you're going through and what is needed to treat it. Second-guessing a doctor is never a good idea. You might seek another opinion, but to take matters into your own hands is courting disaster, in my opinion.
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