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How common is it to find that you can cope normally with everyday stresses and then one extra stress breaks your ability to cope? I've found that at one time I could cope with whatever life threw at me, but after suffering a traumatic experience, I find my ability to cope with that extra unforseen pressure too difficult to take.

I don't suffer with OCD but I do like to organize my life so that I know I can cope with whatever is coming up, and if I find I can't cope with one of the simplest tasks, for instance today I found I couldn't go into a supermarket, I find myself angry because I couldn't do something I would have taken in my stride at one time and not even thought about it, maybe just slightly irritated that I had to add one more thing to my list of things to do.

And yet nowadays, it becomes a major problem, which seems so irrational if I look at it from the perspective of someone who has never gone through something traumatic; I can see the way I would have looked at it at one time but now I seem to be able to look at it from 2 perspectives - my old self and the one I am now. Trying to find the balance of understanding can be difficult and how to put it right is something I'm striving to achieve, but at the moment, I'm not quite sure how to go about this. :juggle:

It's a bit of a dilemma for me at the moment. Thank you for reading this.




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Hi NightOwl - I have gone through what you have described for years. Trauma can throw your nervous system out of wack - to the point where stress (good or bad) can cause you to feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

Since December I have been working with a trauma therapist, and she has taught me many containment techniques. For the past couple of months I have also been taking a low dose of Prosac. That seemed to be the key for me. I still have to watch my stress levels but through medication and therapy I don't go into fight/flight/freeze as much as I use to.

Have you ever seen a trauma therapist before?


Thank you Ladylore for your reply. I'm sorry to hear that you have gone through this yourself; that's good that you've found a low dose of Prosac and therapy has helped. It can be awful to live with, can't it?

Initially after the immediate trauma, they put me on quite a lot of meds but I just found these numbed and confused me. I'm looking into getting some therapy but had a bad experience with Psychiatrists and Social workers. I know there are some very good therapists around, and it's just a matter of finding someone who can relate to RRPTSD. I've found 2 people, one of whom has been through a trauma themselves, who said they will try and find somebody to help; also I have talked to a Doctor who was very kind and understanding that has dealt with soldiers that have come back from Iraq and now suffering from PTSD. It's so refreshing to find people who understand my feelings and treat me with respect.

The reason I joined this forum was because I am studying Psychology, hoping I could help myself through understanding. At the time of joining, I didn't realize it was also a support forum. I've found a lot of the information here has been so helpful.

I thank you all for such a good forum. :)

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