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I have been seeing a new therapist 3 times a week for the past 5 months. She's more experienced than my previous psychologist. She says I have PTSD. She explained me what it is but I just don't think I have it. She says I have a lot of traumatic experiences and she says even one of them would be enough to traumatize someone. The thing is how can it be PTSD if I don't have flashbacks? I have intrusive memories but they're not that bad. It's just that sometimes I think about them. When I talk about them with my therapist, I don't show any emotions but it's mostly because I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything when I talk about those experiences so how can those experiences be traumatic? Don't get me wrong, I trust my therapist but I think she is looking for traumatic experiences. I sometimes get scared or get panic attacks when someone touches me but I think it's mostly anxiety based. So I'm really confused about this diagnosis. I guess I'm looking for more information on PTSD and the information I found on the net isn't helping me much. It's only confirming that I do not have PTSD. So why would my therapist say I have PTSD? Also, I have dissociation and my therapist says it's linked to PTSD but I thought they were two seperate diagnosis. I guess I'm really confused. Thanks in advance for any replies.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
We can't tell you how accurate that diagnosis is, no point. However,

The thing is how can it be PTSD if I don't have flashbacks? I have intrusive memories but they're not that bad. It's just that sometimes I think about them. When I talk about them with my therapist, I don't show any emotions but it's mostly because I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything when I talk about those experiences so how can those experiences be traumatic? Don't get me wrong, I trust my therapist but I think she is looking for traumatic experiences. I sometimes get scared or get panic attacks when someone touches me but I think it's mostly anxiety based. So I'm really confused about this diagnosis. I guess I'm looking for more information on PTSD and the information I found on the net isn't helping me much. It's only confirming that I do not have PTSD. So why would my therapist say I have PTSD? Also, I have dissociation and my therapist says it's linked to PTSD but I thought they were two seperate diagnosis.

All of what you describe could be consistent with a post-traumatic reaction so it's not out of the question.

Have you spoken to your new therapist about why you have trouble accepting that the diagnosis is applicable to you?


What you are saying makes perfect sense to me and I have PTSD. My mind and my body have gone through several stages with my traumatic experiences. When I started I had no idea I was traumatized. I just couldn't make sense out of my life. Our main syptom is avoidence so It would make perfect sense for you to experience numbness toward your trauma. Is that a heathy response I wonder? What happened for me was for a long time I experienced numbness and dissasociation just like you describle.It is a great defense mechanism used to protect us from feeling the hurt that was once useful when it happened. It is no longer helpful when we are no longer in danger. At least that is what they tell me. I guess my point is numbness is a defence as well as disasociation. Rather powerful ones capable of protecting children from the effects of intense trauma.

I think it is great you have found an experienced therapist. I do hope you will follow this discussion through. PTSD is hard stuff. ;)
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