More threads by Domo


When you click on the view who is online option and it shows what people are doing on the forum Eg David Baxter viewing thread 'Domo is awesome'

Well sometimes it just says viewing thread.

Why? Is there some kind of secret place?!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Forum Upgrade

*sigh* I just posted a long reply to your question and then clicked the wrong button and lost it...

So this time you get it in point form:

  • yes, there are a few private forums, e.g., for staff only to discuss issues or ask questions, for mental health practitioners olny, so you'll see that if the person is viewing a thread in one of the forums you don't have permission to access
  • it may be that the person has followed a link to a thread which no longer exists, i.e., it has been removed for spam or inappropriate content
  • it may be that the person has logged off (there is a 15 minute lag where the person will show on line after going idle or logging off)
  • the person is still logged on but has been idle for long enough that the forum software no longer "remembers" which thread was being viewed the last time they were active

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Forum Upgrade

No, they are Private Messages.

Visitor Messages, however, can be read by all members unless you restrict access in your profile and even with restricted access they are visible to admins and I believe moderators.


Re: Forum Upgrade

I just thought that if you had reason to believe something dodgy was going on you might be able to read the private messages.

Thanks for answering my silly questions :p


Re: Forum Upgrade

I don't even know what dodginess you could get up too. The thought just popped into my head and i thought i would ask :)
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