someone who is depressed and has been for a very long time . like well me i have been sad for about 8 years constantly and never really had a good day like a real good day and well i was wondering since my psychologist asked me today if we should maybe think of having a" break " i thought she meant of her but she asked me if i thought hospitalization for a certain time to gain a bit more strength and because she is worried about my state of mind getting more and more pessimistic every week and well i said no to that and she asked me to explain why she shouldn't put me in anyway and i was able to stay out of the hospital . but she also questioned me about medication yet again and i refused again and she made a very interesting comparison that depression needs to be treated with meds such as diabetes needs to be treated with insulin and well i am not sure so can we get better from depression without meds ?
yours truly ashley
yours truly ashley