More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Scenes from the snowstorm
CBC News
Feb 13, 2019


Cynthia had to commemorate the drift left at the end of her driveway. (@UnionGal2357/Twitter)

Good morning!

There's a fresh foot of snow in Ottawa.


A cyclist heads west at the intersection of Wellington Street W. and Holland Avenue in Ottawa early Feb. 13, 2019. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)


Radio-Canada journalist Stéphane Leclerc captured this photo of the snow piled up against his door, which left a mark when he opened it. (Stéphane Leclerc/Radio-Canada)


Snow-clearing crews were out early in Ottawa. (Claudine Richard/CBC)


The sun rises over the Metcalfe area in south Ottawa. (Noreen Dertinger)

The roads are messy


it takes horsepower to push last night's snow away. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)

But traffic is light.

People are improvising.


Steve Mihorean skis down Sparks Street. (Jean Delisle/CBC)


Gatineau police were patrolling the streets with snowmobiles and ATVs early Wednesday morning. (CBC)

Dogs are happy.


(Brittany Myers/Facebook)


'My dog managed to get outside, but I had to shovel for her to make it up the stairs.' (Sandy Mulloy/Facebook)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not certain. The forecast was for up to 40 cms but I think Gatineau/Quebec got more than Ottawa.

According to it was just a shade under 20 cm.

It's drifting badly though so it seems worse in some areas and streets. Lots and lots of accidents. Even snowplows went off the roads in some areas.

Daily Data Report for February 2019 - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada lists "snow on ground" for Feb 12 as 53 cm. I'm not sure what that means... yesterday's snow on top of what we already had?
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