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I talked with my ex-sister in law for the first time in a couple of years last evening. We talked before this but only briefly as I could not deal with her hopes that prayer and a good diet would cure my son. We had such a good friendship until she became a very strict practicing Catholic and held antipsychiatry views.

Last night I was able to talk with her for an extended period of time and reconnect on a friendship level. She has a son who is having similar diffiulties as my son had (even more so) when he was young. I have in the past mentioned that bipolar was genetic and that early intervention was key and to just keep this in mind for the future.

She feels that homeopathy will be the answer and that any "drugs" damage the brain. In the past I found it too difficult to discuss these kind of issues with people. I care about her and what happens to her son so I talked about mental illness at great length. I want to be there for her when and if she has to face the reality that her son has a mental illness that needs medication.

To hear her say things that showed her beliefs, that my lack of using alternative methods of treatment or prayer, may be the reason my son is not doing so well was very painful. I made it through it by continually thinking that my talking about this with her and listening to her views and debating those views will some day be a help to her.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That is a tough one, HeartArt. There's nothing wrong with putting your faith in God but there's also an old saying I remember my mom used to use: "The Lord helps those who help themselves".

Most nations have found it necessary to legislate against certain religious beliefs that endanger lives, such as the religious prohibition against blood transfusions. If your ex-sister-in-law's son becomes ill enough, he will be hopsitalized and at that point the doctors will medicate him whether she or he believes it to be helpful or not.

In the meantime, there is really nothing you can do but hope and try not to dwell on the unnecessary suffering her beliefs is causing her son. If her son is a minor, and is really suffering, you might be able to get the CAS to intervene but that's another hard decision to make when it's a family member...


David Baxter said:
Most nations have found it necessary to legislate against certain religious beliefs that endanger lives, such as the religious prohibition against blood transfusions. If your ex-sister-in-law's son becomes ill enough, he will be hopsitalized and at that point the doctors will medicate him whether she or he believes it to be helpful or not.

That is a relief! I had someone tell me about a year ago that parents can choose to not have a blood transfusion for their child on religious grounds so this is similar to people with schizophrenia choosing not to take psychiatric meds. I'm so glad that is not the case. Thank God.

Thanks for your thoughts.


LOL, Janet

That is such a fitting joke. Thanks for your thoughts. God is most definitely not as hard on you as you are on yourself.
oops sorry I deleted it. I am so weird.

There is a huge flood and a man sits on his roof. He starts panicking, knowing he can't swim. This man happens to be a priest and decides that God will save him. A lifeboat comes along asking the priest if he wants any help. The priest says, "No, God will save me." A helicopter comes along asking the priest if he wants any help. The priest says, "No, God will save me" A cruise liner comes along asking the priest if he wants any help. The priest says, "No, God will save me." Half an hour later the priest is dead. He goes up to heaven and asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" "I SENT YOU A LIFEBOAT, A HELICOPTER AND A CRUISE LINER! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!!!!"
I have a friend who is very much of the opinion that depression is something that you can get over by yourself and it's all about the power of positive thinking and taking care of oneself, which has merit I suppose. But it's hard when you try those things or when you just dont' care about taking care of yourself and positive thoughts are drowned out by the negative ones. It's a confusing thing, but I am glad that there is medication for people. I think it's good.



It is lack of education about depression, bipolar or schizophrenia that results in people thinking that it is just a matter of willing yourself well. If that was the case then we would no longer see people with these illnesses.

Sadness and depression are two different things. Being sad about something is a transient and while depression that is circumstancial can be lifted over time with therapy and/or medication for some people, for others it is a life long struggle.

Spirituality, healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet are most definitely beneficial for any of these illnesses or any physcal illness for that matter, but these things in and of themselves will not make the differences in life functioning like medication does.

Drugs come from plants to begin with. They are more refined and work better than just the leaf, stem or root alone. Drugs alone are not the answer either. Herbs are drugs!

I used to be so concerned with a healthy diet and life style and my family were not saved from having mental illnesses as a result. They were healthier as a result but not illness free. It is absolute nonsense that we could have done anything differently to prevent what has come to be.

What would have made for a better outcome is knowledge about bipolar and schizophrenia, a mental health system that was family friendly and that functioned to actually serve the needs of those with these illnesses and community resources that are family friendly and available to meet the needs of people with these illnesses. Better medications!!!

I am so grateful that I could use medication to help me to continue to do what I needed to do for my family. It is shameful that we as a society view mental illness and medications that a shameful thing. on a little tangent there, Janet. :~}

Hugs...make the world go round.
I to thank god there are medications to help my family, because without them their hell would be worse.
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