More threads by cluelesskid

clueless, i know i can't change your mind, but i have to say it. doing weed isn't smart. you think you have it under control and that it will be once in a blue moon. but before you know it, you'll be using it more and more, and you'll keep justifying it any way you can. you are coming up with all kinds of justifications right now. the fact that you are justifying means you know somewhere somehow that it isn't the best of things to be doing.

please think this over. relaxing shouldn't require the use of drugs or alcohol. if it does, then you have a problem.


You know, clueless, if it were me asking, I'd prefer to hear more practical advice than moral advice. So here goes.

You're dealing with two exogenous substances that are CNS depressants. Take into consideration that there probably isn't much empirical or even anecdotal evidence out there (that wouldn't take hours of research to find) that can help you make a rational and objective decision on mixing these two drugs. Therefore, whatever you do, err on the side of caution and remember that there can be adverse side effects that might include retrograde amnesia and heightened lack of inhibitions. Those two states of mind combined can get a person into messes ranging from mild embarrassment to a night in the local lockup to unintentional -- but irreversible -- mishaps involving people's lives, including your own.

My caveat is to be wise. And if you won't be wise, please be careful. You really can't predict the outcome of this mixture.
Have you considered therapy to help you cope with your anxiety and to help you understand the root cause of your anxious state.

During our developement as we are about to step over the threshold into adult hood, we experience angst and fear about leaving our safe protected childhood behind, there are new decisions to be faced and independance to be confronted, it is a period of searching and a rejection of family values, it is a period when we seek peer approval and when we want to fit into our peer social group.

Smoking weed, excessive alcohol intake and reckless driving all seem like fun things to do and discover.
All are life threatening, society has established a set of rules as a protective measure to avoid as much as possible the ensuing tragedies.

Doing these things is not only dangerous for you personally, it is dangerous to the innocent
folk who may have the misfortune to cross your path, it may be fun to feel so elated and unhibited due to self medication. that you feel brave enough to drive a car or motorbike too fast or any other risky activity, but it is not fun for grieving families who have lost parents or children as a direct cause of stupid behaviour, and it is not fun to serve a life sentence for manslaughter.
Just read the national daily newspapers if you don't believe me.

It is up to you to make good choices, the rest of your life will be coloured by the choices you make now.
You have been given exemplary advice here, have a reread through the whole thread.
take care wp
Have you considered therapy to help you cope with your anxiety and to help you understand the root cause of your anxious state.

During our developement as we are about to step over the threshold into adult hood, we experience angst and fear about leaving our safe protected childhood behind, there are new decisions to be faced and independance to be confronted, it is a period of searching and a rejection of family values, it is a period when we seek peer approval and when we want to fit into our peer social group.

Smoking weed, excessive alcohol intake and reckless driving all seem like fun things to do and discover.
All are life threatening, society has established a set of rules as a protective measure to avoid as much as possible the ensuing tragedies.

Doing these things is not only dangerous for you personally, it is dangerous to the innocent
folk who may have the misfortune to cross your path, it may be fun to feel so elated and unhibited due to self medication. that you feel brave enough to drive a car or motorbike too fast or any other risky activity, but it is not fun for grieving families who have lost parents or children as a direct cause of stupid behaviour, and it is not fun to serve a life sentence for manslaughter.
Just read the national daily newspapers if you don't believe me.

It is up to you to make good choices, the rest of your life will be coloured by the choices you make now.
You have been given exemplary advice here, have a reread through the whole thread.
take care wp

ive been through talk therapy too.


i know im not going to drive a car while high, thats just totally stupid. i hang out in the woods when im high, i dont go around people.
What ever you say to justify your weed intake, no one here is going to make the slightest sound of approval.
When it comes down to it, it is your brain, your body, your life. What you do with it is your choice, but now you know the facts.
good luck wp
What ever you say to justify your weed intake, no one here is going to make the slightest sound of approval.
When it comes down to it, it is your brain, your body, your life. What you do with it is your choice, but now you know the facts.
good luck wp

i dont want a sign of approval, i want to know if it will kill me or not. and it obviously hasnt, so thank you everyone i got my answer

bye bye


i dont want a sign of approval, i want to know if it will kill me or not. and it obviously hasnt [...]


At this point I fear more for those who get in your way.

You seemed to gloss over the part where I mentioned that combining two CNS depressants can possibly cause retrograde amnesia and lowered inhibitions, and you could be facing a scenario where you get behind the wheel of a car without realizing what you're doing, or remembering it later. Seroquel will knock you on your ass when you first start taking it, and again when you increase your dose. You've got two wild cards; one being a new dosage of a potent med, the other being a street drug with unknown additives. With the lack of research and a dearth of known anecdotes about mixing them, you'd be better off choosing one or the other.

You're acting self-centered and idiotic, and you're playing with lives that aren't just your own. I'm glad I won't be driving on your section of the map with you.


i want to know if it will kill me or not. and it obviously hasnt

Perhaps not this time and maybe not the next, but is it worth risking, if not death but potential brain damage, liver or kidney damage or subsequent mental illness by experimenting with so called recreational drugs?

Consequences can be worse than death for someone living with severe impairment.

Perhaps caution and common sense come with maturity and experience.

Willingness to learn from the experience and expertise of others is a step toward maturity.

If you wish to talk about this further, feel free to continue the conversation.
If you wish to talk about this further, feel free to continue the conversation.
wait, are you guys really serious?

your treating me like im a monster!

i haven't killed anyone, i haven't been violent or suicidal, if someone i loved wanted me to stop i would stop. wait... why the hell am i saying stop, IVE ONLY DONE IT TWICE. it's not like im a cocaine or heroine addict, im not addicted to gambelling, im not a serial killer, i smoked a fricking joint! what in gods name is convincing you guys that this is as bad as killing someone?

if you knew what i've been through you'd be praising that someone like me is ONLY smoking weed. i know 10s and 10s of people who are on worse crap than me and they are flying with a million colors.

so dont give me this 'omg your going to drive a car up a tree and catch your whole town on fire' crap because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

This is worse than my dad praising weed, you guys are try to convince me if i smoke again im going to go on a mass murder spree.

ill make sure neither i or anyone else hears about this website again.

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No one is treating you like a monster cluelesskid ,
I am happy to know you have only done it twice. We are only very concerned about your possible use of street drugs with your meds and the possible consequences. Which could harm you irreversably.

Take care wp

Daniel E.
so dont give me this 'omg your going to drive a car up a tree and catch your whole town on fire' crap because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

Smoking Pot Doubles Risk of Fatal Accident

Marijuana Causes Many Deaths Reported as 'Accidents'

Men who smoke pot are more accident prone -

The bottom line:

"People who smoke marijuana think they can compensate for the drug's effect, but they can't," said Shinar, who founded the lab and is the chief scientist of Israel's National Road Safety Authority.

Who Drives Better: Drunks or Stoners? | Popular Science
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Account Closed
We do care and that is why we are giving you the facts. I apologise if some of this has scared you, ticked you off....

But we are saying "NO - Don't use weed."

Trying it once can lead you (or anyone) to try it again, then again, then again. There are just so many other healthier ways to hang out.


Account Closed
I don't think anyone here was treating you like a monster. You asked a question and people gave you their opinions and or their own experiences. You're not a monster clueless, we were just being concerned about your decision to use it, even if it is only once in a while. :)

As for you father, you already know that your Dad is making a bad choice for himself- you're a smart cookie. As I said in a prior post, this decision is entirely yours - we can't make it for you, but we can at least give you some information so that you make an educated decision for yourself.


your treating me like im a monster!

im not a serial killer, i smoked a fricking joint! what in gods name is convincing you guys that this is as bad as killing someone?

It's very interesting that this is what you've interpreted from posts that have warned you that combining these two drugs could have serious and irrevocable consequences. Nobody has treated you like a monster, nor has anyone accused you of murder.

Your defensiveness implies (to me) that you came here seeking approval, because you've already got a feeling that this might not be safe. If you get approval here then you're off the hook for all responsibility, right?

if you knew what i've been through you'd be praising that someone like me is ONLY smoking weed.
I doubt this. If I knew what you've been through I'd probably suggest other ways of learning to cope, starting with non-pharmaceutical methods.

so dont give me this 'omg your going to drive a car up a tree and catch your whole town on fire' crap because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

This is worse than my dad praising weed, you guys are try to convince me if i smoke again im going to go on a mass murder spree.
The words you attribute to those who responded to your request for opinions are not what was written, and your hyperbole might be construed as insulting to those who do not understand its origin. You were offered thoughts from people with good intentions, who were kind enough to give their time to reply to your post. I believe the primary message has been that you simply can't know how you will react to this combination at any given time, and that a worst-case scenario is not an implausibility. The fact that you've taken these replies and egregiously distorted their messages gives me the impression that your judgment of what constitutes a "responsible action" is equally distorted.

ill make sure neither i or anyone else hears about this website again.


You've already heard of this website; you can't undo that. My hope is that you'll remember what you've read when you are not as angry as you are right now.
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