More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

Courtesy via Therese J. Borchard Blog
Re: Signs That You?re In an Abusive Relationship

What if someone refuses to acknowledge that you need help either medically or mentally? :(
I could go, it's just highly frowned on so it feels like I don't need the help and that I'm just being whiney and attention seeking.


Most things I read about abusive relationships are about a 'partner'.But it's not just a partner that can be abusive,it can be a friend,a child,a brother,sister,etc......

What if pretty much everyone in your life is abusive,except your partner? Do you just walk away from all those relationships?

---------- Post Merged at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:46 PM ----------

I guess walking away IS the best thing to do,and the right thing to do.It's better to be alone than be abused.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Health and wellbeing are so precarious if being abused. So those two things do seem like something to put higher on a priority hierarchy than keeping abusive relationships.

Of course most humans would have reduced wellbeing if they decided to be completely and utterly alone with no human contact or relationships whatsoever.... so in that way, you could argue that relationships are part of wellbeing. But usually there are ways to find some better relationships, even if a lot of abusive ones have to be discarded.

I think it would take a lot of aloneness to equal the "wellbeing loss" that comes with an abusive relationship.
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