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I was diagnosed bipolar 2 back in April, after 30+ years . It was quite a relief to be finally off the emotional rollercoaster. I was sleeping normally, and emotionally stable. I am currently taking Seroquel 150mg before bedtime daily. No other medications. I am finding in the last few weeks that I am not sleeping again, like 2 or 3 hours at a time, wide awake during the day well into the small hours of the morning. I see my doctor next week, but I am wondering what I can do in the meantime to make sure I sleep. :confused:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If you weren't taking the medication(s), it's quite possible you'd be experiencing a manic or hypomanic phase right now.

I would suggest you contact your doctor about the insomnia or, in the meantime, ask your pharmacist whether there are any over-the-counter medications that might help you short term and won't interact with your other medications.


I do take my medication daily-just love being in control of my moods(!) My family doctor doesn't prescribe sleeping pills. I am seeing my psychiatrist next week though.
Good idea about talking with the pharmacist, though, about OTC medication . Thanks +++


My family doctor doesn't prescribe sleeping pills

Have you ever pursued this conversation wth your family doctor to find out why s/he has an objection to treating insomnia? Some family physicians are apprehensive to prescribe benzodiazepines as sleep aids, based on controversial studies and reports about effectiveness, habituation and long term effects. While some of these studies might be controversial, your doctor should be expected to treat a legitimate disorder such as difficulty to sleep, and there are alternatives to prescribing benzodiazepines to treat insomnia.

If you family doctor refuses to even discuss the subject, consider looking for another doctor.

As a partner in your own healthcare, if you feel your doctor is unable or unwilling to provide the care you need, then as an empowered consumer of your own healthcare you need to seek out a physician who will fulfill your needs.

BTW I was recently faced with a similar situation, so I took my time to locate a practice accepting new patients, visited the doctor for a "meet and greet" appointment, explained my situation and once I felt satisfied the doctor was able to fulfill my needs, I formally switched my care to the new practice.
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