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It was screwed from the very start. I had my schedule from the night manager well in advance, and had made plans on how I'd curb my anxiety about returning on Sunday right down to the minutes of tricks and relaxation. I'd started moving my sleep from day to night hours, slowly but surely, and I was anxious but confident in the pre-planning I had done to make this successful.

The then store manager totally changed my schedule without informing me, negating the benefits that Chris, the night manager, had created with the schedule he made for me (which basically consisted of bringing me in on the less stressful nights.) I got a call Saturday night around 7PM from Chris saying, "Um, I didn't know this until just now, but Blaine changed your schedule and you're on in two hours." Thus began my first, and not last freakout.

The week hasn't been good. My therapist and I agreed on Tuesday that this was too early to go back, but the fact that I am depending on the health insurance provided by my job to pretty much ensure I'll be able to be treated for the CML that was diagnosed early this summer meant that I needed to go back now, even if I wasn't entirely ready. It might have been a mistake, but then this might truly test my mettle of what I can handle.

So far I've dealt with flashbacks that have gone unnoticed because I generally work alone, but last night I zoned out and went there, and one of the guys who was helping me catch up (I'm not up to speed on productivity just yet and without help I"ll be written up for it) couldn't get my attention by calling my name. Of course not, I wasn't in this realm of reality. It scared him, but I think he's cool enough to understand after I explained a bit about things. He wasn't there last year when I was raped. He's not one of the crew who knows many of the details of this assault.

I can't bring myself to go into the details of what has made this week miserable at work. But I can say that each day the guys seem to feel a bit less uncomfortable around me, and that's really what was bothering me the most. The treated me like a leper. I already felt like one before I ever went back; this only reinforced the negative feelings I already had about myself.

I've got the next two nights off. Once I'm calmer about the first week maybe I'll share some of what triggered me regarding the flashbacks, or maybe I'll just suck it up and plug along, hoping that things will get better.

This morning I feel beaten both physically and mentally, but perhaps just a little bit proud that I did it. And soon I'm going to bed. Oh, sweet bed, how I dreamed of you all night at work.... Watch, the lawnmowers and leaf blowers will start up as soon as I close my eyes. Ah, the midnight shift....
you should be proud of you for making it through the first week. Although difficult you went and stayed each day. Hope you are keeping in touch with therapist about how you are doing. Fiver your strength is remarkable and i must say you do have a great sense of humor and it does help get you through the difficult times, I hope the lawnmowers and leaf blowers remain quiet for your today. :2thumbs:


Account Closed
Kudos for you for even going through this. Can you do anything about the schedule - maybe a note from your doctor?

I feel for you Fiver.:support:


Account Closed
Yes, you should be proud of this week. While the circumstances (being called in earlier) weren't great, you still did it Fiver. :)

I'm sorry that you had flashbacks etc. But I still consider this return to work a victory for you.


That's a nice thought, but it really doesn't work that way. My immediate supervisor, who originally (and subsequently for next week and for the future time to come) fixed my schedule for the nights to which I'm best suited, doesn't have the final say. The store manager, whose main concern is with profit (because he gets a bonus) chopped up Chris's schedule because he decided he could shave hours if he moved people around. It's his store, he gets final say.

However, since my performance this week has been absolutely substandard, I think Chris would step in and tell the manager that there's a reason the schedule is like it is. My conditional return specifies only that I may not work more than two consecutive nights without one night off (so that I can catch up on sleep.) It's a grocery store and I don't have much clout. I'm going to have to trust that Chris maybe sort of understands that I'm not back to where I was before. He also knows my strengths and weaknesses and has been trying to use me where I'm best placed. It wasn't his fault that someone over his head really shot things backward.

I have tonight and tomorrow night off. I'm beat. Totally just beat. The thought of going back Sunday night nearly brings tears to my eyes. But I'll survive. I always do.
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