More threads by Jazzey


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**I am fully aware that the use of any frozen potato product or non-curd cheese is unethical and fraudulent if the results are described as authentic. This is why the preliminary methodology described above is only "poutine inspired."

...yes, indeedee...if you hadn't written the caveat, I'd would definitely have to rethink the "honorary Canuck" status. Poutine without real fries and cheese curds -well, that's simply blasphemous Daniel!:dimples:

...But, thank you for sharing your experiment with us tonight - I had a wonderful laugh over it!;)

PS - Please don't bring the above-mentioned plate to the potluck...

Daniel E.
...yes, indeedee...if you hadn't written the caveat, I'd would definitely have to rethink the "honorary Canuck" status

Yes, and I initially thought of characterizing mozzarella and frozen potatoes as a crime against humanity, but I thought that was going a little too far :)


Account Closed
No Daniel, just a "cultural" crime - a few "Quebecois" people may come after you but, that's about it!;)


Resident Canuck
I am guilty like Daniel. I streched the Poutine theroy way too far, I think.

Daniel, can you help me become an American now? I don't want any Quebec folks after me :shock4:


Account Closed
...sorry, just realized I was being insensitive - I know you're a vegetarian...
Oh yeah - I firmly believe in the shopping experience in the States - lower taxes!;)
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Resident Canuck
Daniel, what uses do Americans use Cheese Whiz for, besides on toast or on celery?

I only use it on toast occasionally.

My goodness? Deep fry an entire turkey? They must have some big deep fryers in America! :D

Hi Turtle, Starbucks can work. In Canada, we have Tim Hortons though. You must try it :p

Daniel E.
Daniel, what uses do Americans use Cheese Whiz for, besides on toast or on celery?

Crackers mostly.

The use is widespread among school children who will receive the Cheese Whiz prepacked with crackers. Among adults, I think use of Cheese Whiz is relatively low except maybe for nachos along with snack crackers.

BTW, some American recipes that have been preapproved for Canadian consumption:
Cheez Whiz

The best of the worst:
Cheez Whiz Salsa Dip
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Resident Canuck
That's good to know Daniel.

I remember they use to have a "spicy" cheese whiz. I use to like that with crackers, now that I think back. It was good with those plain Triscuit Crackers. I found these Triscuit crackers with Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil . Delicous!


If you see a big cloud of smoke over Toronto, you know it is me trying to think over here :p


Account Closed
;) Daniel, gotta tell you - there are some nights where I really relish finding you here when I login - your sense of humour is impeccable.

Or, as they would say in the US "your sense of humor" is impeccable...I know this because my spell-check always corrects my Canadian spelling! (even word processors are being "converted")!:)


Resident Canuck
I agree with Jazzey. Your a humourous guy Daniel. Jazzey your a humourous gal too.

I enjoy chatting with you both :D


Resident Canuck
Yummm, brought back memories of the fresh catch from the coasts :D

There is nothing like it.

There is a great Scottish restaurant here that makes awsome fish and chips, but I remember the fresch catch cooked on an open flame right at the beach. Was awsome!
Let's see... it's a bit of a sugar hit, but...
Tim Tam Slam - a couple of Tim Tams, and pick a beverage: hot chocolate, coffee, tea, milk...

And for the rest of Jazzey's idea,
Positive thing in my life: I think I'm beginning to learn a few things about myself, and have hope that I'll be able to accept both the good and not-so-good eventually (and maybe make a few changes along the way).

Positive wish to Psychlink member/s:
I wish everyone here happiness over the holiday period, next year, and forever after. I don't know how many times I've said this in exactly the same words, but you guys totally rock! Can never say it enough, in my opinion. Epitome of awesomeness. Love you all. :heart:

Now to go hide in the opposite corner of the room. :)
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