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That's ok Gooblax, I'm pretty sure a lot of us here do sugar!;) (just a wild guess)

I think you're pretty awesome yourself Gooblax (and I know it's a sentiment that is shared by many others). So, it looks as though we're all in good company!:grouphug::heart:

I loved your positive thing too:

I think I'm beginning to learn a few things about myself, and have hope that I'll be able to accept both the good and not-so-good eventually (and maybe make a few changes along the way).

...How old are you again??? (don't answer that):) I hope I'm as insightful when I grow up Gooblax!;)


Resident Canuck
Positive wish to Psychlink member/s:
I wish everyone here happiness over the holiday period, next year, and forever after. I don't know how many times I've said this in exactly the same words, but you guys totally rock! Can never say it enough, in my opinion. Epitome of awesomeness. Love you all. :heart:

That is so sweet Gooblax :hug: You rock too! :heart:

Now to go hide in the opposite corner of the room. :)

You can come hide with me and play :vroom: I will share my truck with you.
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