Is Social anxiety common in young children?
Does it occur in the very young? I mean is it something you learn or something that you are born with or both depending on the child?
I am asking because there is a child in my care who is 4 and a half and I think that she has social phobia. Basically she has a lot of problems coming to child care, but a lot of children cry at her age coming to care, but she hides in the toilets and in corners at child care, when group activities are happening she will not participate or even come near the group she hides in book corner under the cushions, she leaves when other children come close to her and there is only 2 staff members that she will allow near her without crying, and she is always saying she is sick.
I have explored the possibility of abuse as well but I don't think it is that, I really think it is social phobia.
Does it sound like it? I know I haven't given you heaps but yeah!
I have told her parents to take her to get professional help and I hope thay do but I thought that I would ask here as well.
Thanks Heather...
Does it occur in the very young? I mean is it something you learn or something that you are born with or both depending on the child?
I am asking because there is a child in my care who is 4 and a half and I think that she has social phobia. Basically she has a lot of problems coming to child care, but a lot of children cry at her age coming to care, but she hides in the toilets and in corners at child care, when group activities are happening she will not participate or even come near the group she hides in book corner under the cushions, she leaves when other children come close to her and there is only 2 staff members that she will allow near her without crying, and she is always saying she is sick.
I have explored the possibility of abuse as well but I don't think it is that, I really think it is social phobia.
Does it sound like it? I know I haven't given you heaps but yeah!
I have told her parents to take her to get professional help and I hope thay do but I thought that I would ask here as well.
Thanks Heather...