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David Baxter PhD

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St. Patrick's Day 2011: Facts, Myths, and Traditions
by John Roach, National Geographic News
March 16, 2011

On St. Patrick's Day?Thursday, March 17?millions of people will don green and celebrate the Irish with parades, good cheer, and perhaps a pint of beer.
But few St. Patrick's Day revelers have a clue about St. Patrick, the historical figure, according to the author of St. Patrick of Ireland: A Biography.

"The modern celebration of St. Patrick's Day really has almost nothing to do with the real man," said classics professor Philip Freeman of Luther College in Iowa.

Who Was the Man Behind St. Patrick's Day?
For starters, the real St. Patrick wasn't even Irish. He was born in Britain around A.D. 390 to an aristocratic Christian family with a townhouse, a country villa, and plenty of slaves.

What's more, Patrick professed no interest in Christianity as a young boy, Freeman noted.
At 16, Patrick's world turned: He was kidnapped and sent overseas to tend sheep as a slave in the chilly, mountainous countryside of Ireland for seven years.

"It was just horrible for him," Freeman said. "But he got a religious conversion while he was there and became a very deeply believing Christian."

St. Patrick's Disembodied Voices
According to folklore, a voice came to Patrick in his dreams, telling him to escape. He found passage on a pirate ship back to Britain, where he was reunited with his family.
The voice then told him to go back to Ireland.

"He gets ordained as a priest from a bishop, and goes back and spends the rest of his life trying to convert the Irish to Christianity," Freeman said.

Patrick's work in Ireland was tough?he was constantly beaten by thugs, harassed by the Irish royalty, and admonished by his British superiors. After he died on March 17, 461, Patrick was largely forgotten.

But slowly, mythology grew around Patrick, and centuries later he was honored as the patron saint of Ireland, Freeman noted.

St. Patrick's Day Shamrock Shortage
According to St. Patrick's Day lore, Patrick used the three leaves of a shamrock to explain the Christian holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Today, St. Patrick's Day revelers wear a shamrock out of tradition. But people in Ireland hoping to wear an authentic shamrock are running low on luck.

Trifolium dubium, the wild-growing, three-leaf clover that some botanists consider the official shamrock, is an annual plant that germinates in the spring. Recently, Ireland has had two harsh winters, affecting the plant's growth.

"The growing season this year is at least as delayed as it was last year, and therefore there is the potential for shortage of home-grown material," John Parnell, a botanist at Trinity College Dublin, said in an email.

"We have had frost and snow showers in parts of Ireland within the past week," he added.
Other experts pin the shortage of the traditional plant as much on modern farming methods and loss of traditional hay meadows.

"The cold winters we are having here lately are just another nail in the coffin," Carsten Krieger, a landscape and nature photographer whose books include The Wildflowers of Ireland, said via email.

To make up for the shortfall, many sellers are resorting to other three-leaf clovers, such as the perennials Trifolium repens and Medicago lupulina. According to the Irish Times, these plants are "bogus shamrocks."

Trinity College's Parnell agreed that Trifolium dubium is the most commonly used shamrock today, which lends credence to the claims of authenticity.

However, he added, the custom of wearing a shamrock dates back to the 17th and 18th centuries, and "I know of no evidence to say what people then used. I think the argument on authenticity is purely academic?basically I'd guess they used anything cloverlike then."

What's more, botanists say there's nothing uniquely Irish about shamrocks. Most clover species can be found throughout Europe.

No Snakes in Ireland
Another St. Patrick myth is the claim that he banished snakes from Ireland. It's true no snakes exist on the island today, Freeman said?but they never did.

Ireland, after all, is surrounded by icy ocean waters?much too cold to allow snakes to migrate from Britain or anywhere else.

Since snakes often represent evil in literature, "when Patrick drives the snakes out of Ireland, it is symbolically saying he drove the old, evil, pagan ways out of Ireland [and] brought in a new age," Freeman said.

The snake myth, the shamrock story, and other tales were likely spread by well-meaning monks centuries after St. Patrick's death, Freeman said.

St. Patrick's Day: Made in America?
Until the 1970s, St. Patrick's Day in Ireland was a minor religious holiday. A priest would acknowledge the feast day, and families would celebrate with a big meal, but that was about it.

"St. Patrick's Day was basically invented in America by Irish-Americans," Freeman said.
Irish-American history expert Timothy Meagher said Irish charitable organizations originally celebrated St. Patrick's Day with banquets in places such as Boston, Massachusetts; Savannah, Georgia; and Charleston, South Carolina.

Eighteenth-century Irish soldiers fighting with the British in the U.S. Revolutionary War held the first St. Patrick's Day parades. Some soldiers, for example, marched through New York City in 1762 to reconnect with their Irish roots.

Other parades followed in the years and decades after, including well-known celebrations in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago, primarily in flourishing Irish immigrant communities.

"It becomes a way to honor the saint but also to confirm ethnic identity and to create bonds of solidarity," said Meagher, of Catholic University in Washington, D.C..

Dyeing the River Green for St. Patrick's Day
Sometime in the 19th century, as St. Patrick's Day parades were flourishing, wearing the color green became a show of commitment to Ireland, Meagher said.

In 1962 the show of solidarity took a spectacular turn in Chicago when the city decided to dye a portion of the Chicago River green.

The tradition started when parade organizer Steve Bailey, head of a plumbers' union, noticed how a dye used to trace possible sources of river pollution had stained a colleague's overalls a brilliant green, according to

Why not use the dye to turn the whole river green on St. Patrick's Day, Bailey thought. So began the tradition.

The environmental impact of the dye is minimal compared with pollution such as bacteria from sewage-treatment plants, said Margaret Frisbie, the executive director of the advocacy group Friends of the Chicago River.

Rather than advising against the dye, her group focuses on turning the Chicago River into a welcoming habitat full of fish, herons, turtles, and beavers. If the river becomes a wildlife haven, the thinking goes, Chicagoans won't want to dye their river green.

"Our hope is that, as the river continues to improve, ultimately people can get excited about celebrating St. Patrick's Day different ways," she said.

Pint of Guinness on St. Patrick's Day
On any given day 5.5 million pints of Guinness, the famous Irish stout brand, are consumed around the world.

But on St. Patrick's Day, that number more than doubles to 13 million pints, said Beth Davies Ryan, global corporate-relations director of Guinness.

"Historically speaking, a lot of Irish immigrants came to the United States and brought with them lots of customs and traditions, one of them being Guinness," she said.

Today, the U.S. tradition of St. Patrick's Day parades, packed pubs, and green silliness has invaded Ireland with full force, said Freeman, the classics professor.

The country, he noted, figured out that the popularity of St. Patrick's Day was a good way to boost spring tourism. "Like anybody else," he said, "they can take advantage of a good opportunity."


Top 10 Myths about the Irish on St. Patrick's Day
March 16, 2011

There are many myths told about the Irish: that they?re fighters, they?re stupid, they?re belligerent, or that they never forget. Nonsense. The truth about the Irish is much harder to pin, and much more elusive than they?re given credit for. Even the great Sigmund Freud himself thought it pointless. ?This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever,? he wrote.

So how can you tell the reality from all the myths? Well you can start here, with

IrishCentral's top ten myths about the Irish.

1. The Irish are always friendly
Many Irish people will happily give you the shirt off their back, but others would much prefer sue you for it (especially if there?s a disputed family will in the mix somewhere). Usually the Irish are genuinely friendly, but like anywhere a lot depends on who you are, where you are and what you are.

Quibbling aside, the land of a hundred, thousand welcomes deserves its reputation because the truth is that most Irish people can be so kind and considerate it will take your breath away. But like anywhere, a few nettles sprout among all the roses, so tread carefully betimes.

2. The Irish are religious
Even avowed Irish atheists will call upon all the angles and saints when there?s a crisis or they?re in danger. But that doesn?t mean they?re deeply religious, it?s just a reflex hardwired into them from birth. You trip, you sprain your ankle, you?ll call the Lord?s name (and many others).

The truth is most Irish people are much closer in spirit to Father Ted than to Rome, and they always have been. James Joyce, as always, put it best: ?O Ireland, my first, my only love/Where Christ and Caesar are hand in glove.? If you can reconcile those two opposing forces and learn to live with them without giving it another thought, you?re well on your way to being Irish yourself.

3. The Irish can sing
Two words: Ronan Keating. Make those three words: Chris De Burgh. Let?s face it, even housewives favorite Daniel O?Donnell is no threat to Luciano Pavarotti - and he?s dead. Not every Irish man can sing a rousing rebel song on request, despite what you see every time in the movies.

Irish people can however reduce you to heaving sobs with their songs about lost love, lost land and faded hopes. Be warned: otherwise perfect social evenings can be brought to a standstill by the power of just one Irish ballad competently sung. Your guests may weep copiously or begin to think about snow falling faintly, and faintly falling, and if it does happen just go with it, it?s the Irish way.

4. The Irish are stupid
Pull the other one. You?re in the native land of the scholar (the saints, like the snakes, were evicted long ago). Trust me, all those Paddy the Irishman jokes you heard growing up (about the guy who always gets it wrong) are an expression of anxiety, not contempt. People have been calling the Irish thick for centuries. They?re fools.

Take Edmund Spenser, the Elizabethan poet, for example. He tried to denigrate the Irish in his genocidal pamphlet ?A View of the Present State of Ireland,? written in the early 1590?s. Spenser?s propaganda pamphlet argued that Ireland would never be totally pacified by the English until its language and customs had been completely destroyed, if necessary by violence. (Irish rebels, possibly acting on his own advice, later drove him from his County Cork home).

For many contemporary scholars Ireland?s James Joyce is the true heir to William Shakespeare simply in terms of his influence and cultural impact.

5. The Irish are charming
Anyone who has ever ordered a cheese sandwich from the joyless drudges who staff the Bus Aras canteen in County Monaghan knows this is not true. The Irish are not always charming. In fact some Irish people have perfected a stare of such hostility and perfect contempt that the memory of it will never leave you.

6. The Irish have red hair and freckles
Just as not all Irish women are tempestuous redheads crying out to be tamed by an avuncular John Wayne stand-in, not all redheaded Irish men are leading donkeys carrying turf bags to the fair.
There are quite a few blonds (bottle and natural) knocking about the old sod; black hair and brown or blue eyes are a common feature too (think of Cillian Murphy or Jonathan Rhys Meyers). Nowadays Ireland has become a much more intercultural place, so it may be time to update your image of it.

7. The Irish are happy to start a fight
Whilst it?s fair to say the Irish are a passionate lot, it?s wrong to assume they?re always spoiling for a knockdown fight. In fact when someone makes a fool of himself by acting belligerently in public most Irish people will cringe and designate him a fool ? and when an Irish person comes to that conclusion about you, you?ll be considered a fool all your days.

8. The Irish are drunks
The Irish don?t drink more alcohol than any other western nation; they just have more conspicuous fun in the process.

9. The Irish are great storytellers
Well yes, and no. Whilst it?s true there are Irish people who can tell tales to delight or terrify you, they?re not all born with the gift. In fact the Irish have produced the woman that literary experts agree is the worst novelist who ever lived. Amanda McKittrick Ros was born in Ballynahinch, County Down in 1860 and according to The Oxford Companion to English Literature is ?the greatest bad writer who ever lived.?

Amanda self-published her own series of novels in the late 1890?s and instantly won a devoted following, but the critics savaged her. McKittrick Ros faith in her own talent was undiminished however, and she replied by calling them variously: ?bastard donkey-headed mites, clay-crabs of corruption, denunciating Arabs, evil-minded snapshots of spleen, talent-wipers of a wormy order.? Her revenge is that today we quote her, and not her detractors.

10. The Irish never forget
Not true. Ask Thierry Henry. After his handball at the qualifying France versus Ireland World Cup match, there are literally millions of Irish people desperately willing themselves to forget what he did. Their attempts to do so may be as insincere or short lived as Thierry?s apology, but give them some props for the effort.
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