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I started on Cipralex today - 5mg for one - two weeks, then increase to 10mg for two months, then re-assess.

I have a bit of a stomach ache, and I was a bit nauseous earlier, but nothing compared to how I felt when I tried Effexor. Effexor did not agree with me at all, so I'm hoping this goes better. It's my first time trying an SSRI (well, since the Effexor)...I've only ever taken Wellbutrin, but this should be better for the anxiety.

I'm interested in seeing what kind of change I will experience if it works for moods have been all over the map and I've been extremely irritable, angry, depressed, happy...everything. I'm curious to see how this will affect all those crazy emotions.


Resident Canuck
Hi Turtle. I am happy to hear you started new meds. I hope you will be feeling better in the upcoming weeks.

I am currently on Effexor and increasing the dosages caused major stomach upset, like you experienced.

Let us know how it goes Turtle, I will be rooting for you.


Account Closed
Hey Turtle - Really hope this helps your moods stabilize so you can feel better. Let us know how it goes. :2thumbs:


Thanks. I haven't had any nausea yet today so that is good. I took it this morning at 530am and it's now 2pm, so I'm guessing I won't be sick today...


NicNak said:
I am currently on Effexor and increasing the dosages caused major stomach upset

If you mean nausea, then nausea is a side effect that decreases over a few weeks with Effexor as your system becomes acclimated to the new dose.

Has your doctor suggested something to control the nausea, such as dramamine? (over the counter)


I just wanted to put a little update for the benefit of anyone who might be considering Cipralex for themselves.

I am only on day 10 of it, and just increased from 5mg to 10mg per day. The first few days I was really sleepy, and then the next few days I was wide awake and not able to sleep. Both are possible side effects, however, in my case, I don't know if they are side effects of the drug or side effects of my crazy lifestyle :rolleyes:. I keep erratic sleep schedules at the best of times, so...

The first day only I had a tiny, tiny bit of nausea. Nothing terrible.

Other than that, the only side effect I've noticed is a major loss of libido. In my case, it's not a big deal (and maybe even a bit of a relief :D).

In all, Cipralex has been very easy to adapt to. It started working quite quickly and brought my anxiety down significantly.


Okay, Cipralex -- had to look that up because here in the states it's called Lexapro, which happens to be what I've taken for nearly a year. I started at 10mgs and have been on 30mgs since last May when I was hospitalized. It has worked very well for me, with efficacy being apparent within two and a half weeks (when I originally started.)

I take it in the morning since it tends to keep me awake as well. As far as the lack of libido goes, that's a side effect that will probably dissipate with time. I don't recall ever feeling nausea with it, and I've tolerated it very well physically. The fact that it has also helped my depression is rather nice, too.

Unfortunately, as is the case for most of the SSRI family, orgasm can be a difficult endeavour to bring to a satisfying finish, and so far that one hasn't gone away yet. My libido came back, but the ability to achieve the grand finale at the same level just ain't gonna happen the way it used to. I can live with this, though.

For now.

Good luck, Turtle. I hope you have as much success with escitalopram as I've had.


Fiver said:
here in the states it's called Lexapro

Escitalopram (generic name) is a compound developed by two pharmaceutical manufacturers. Lundbeck brands their version Cipralex while Forest Laboratories brands their compound Lexapro.

If I am not mistaken, both companies along with a generic manufacturer, Teva are currently marketing this compound in North America the U.S.

It appears that Forest is licensed to market Lexapro in the U.S. at thsi time.

Generic approval was rescinded. On May 23, 2006, the FDA approved a generic version of escitalopram by Teva.[6] On July 14 of that year, however, the U.S. District Court of Delaware decided in favor of Lundbeck regarding the patent infringement dispute and ruled the patent on escitalopram valid.

Reference: Marie-Eve Laforte (2006-07-14). "US court upholds Lexapro patent". FirstWord. Retrieved on 2007-10-10. Source: Wilkepedia

In Canada, escitalopram is marketed by Lundbeck as Cipralex, and according to Health Canada Database, no other manufacturer is licensed at this time.
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Thank you for the elucidation. At this time it seems that a generic version is not available in my area as I'm still paying the higher formulary price for the Lexapro name.


My doctor told me there's no generic available yet - it's too new. I alway check, because if there is a generic, I ask her to check off the "no generic substitute" on the rx.


I was mistaken in some of the information I provided in post #10 of this thread.

Corrections have been made in post #10 in connection with generic availability as of this date.

I must also say that at this time it appears Fiver was correct in stating Lexapro is the brand available in the U.S. at this time, as Lundbeck does not appear to have FDA approval according to the FDA database.

Sorry for the confusion I may have caused.:red:
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