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Thanks for the encouragement S.g, I think for the first time in a long while I thought well maybe there is something to being on meds, maybe they will help, So I will try to help myself by doing what I am doing ( being pro active as against doing nothing but battle things on my own). What happened today was only a small thing but had a huge effect and it really shouldn't have. I just need to get things in to proper perspective I guess.


What happened today was only a small thing but had a huge effect and it really shouldn't have.

Well, it had the effect that it had. Don't be too hard on yourself. If these things didn't affect us the way they sometimes do, we probably wouldn't be seeking therapy and medical help to begin with.

I just need to get things in to proper perspective I guess.

Sounds good. When you do, let me know how you did it, because I need to do that too. :)
I am so restless this past while, I want to be doing something yet nothing is making this restlessness go away, I wander from room to room looking at diff things, thinking at times I could do this or that, other times I actually do a lot of stuff (mostly for the sake of doing it) and still this feeling remains, it's gotten so bad that I have actually resorted to taking my med early in the hopes of sleeping this off.
I was actually in bed earlier and had to get up again, even though the med usually has me asleep in about half hour, it hasn't worked that way tonight and now I sit here not knowing what else to do.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
AC, get back to your doctor. It seems that Geodon can to have this effect in some people. It may be that you need to make a medication change or add something to help you sleep at night.
Thanks David,
I reread the info on the Zyprexa, restlessness and weight gain, hunger pains, dizziness etc are amongst those listed, for now I have sorted the weight gain and hunger pains. Will definately mention this restlessness at my next doctors apt. :)
Also another thing that is bothering me at this time is my emotions are mostly flat I am hoping this is not a "calm before the storm" thing and that it is the med working in some way.
Time will tell I guess. :)
The restlessness has calmed down some and the flat feeling has lifted a bit. Also I think the weight gain has leveled out as well. Had a recent apt with psych doc and he was pleased with how things are going at the min. We had a chat about the various side effects and what to do re the meds. I can take the med as I was originally taking it by splitting the dose to 2 doses,1 in the evening and one at bedtime. And also if I find I cannot sleep I can take a small dose of a sleep med to help. This is working for me at the min. I'm happy to say I have not been very depressed for a couple of weeks now (been low and irritated but not suicidal for a change) and neither have I experienced any hypo episodes. I hope this means that things are stabilising.

If I ever reach normality I will let ye know :D
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