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I have therapy tomorrow and I'm starting to freak out. I'm laying in bed right now thinking of all the things we could talk about and it's just making my stomach churn.

i knew going back to therapy would be hard work, and I'm glad I did it, but all these issues are coming up that I hadn't planned for and I feel like I'm getting swallowed by bad feelings and they are overpowering me, in a sense.

I'm just scared to face these things that I thought were non-issues but are apparently big issues.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Are you possibly anticipating things that haven't happened yet? It sounds to me like you're worrying in advance - well we could talk about this and I'm scared or if we talk about this then something else may happen. Deep breath and only worry about what you're going to talk about when you talk about it. :)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hmm, the "rug pulled from under you feeling"... never welcome. But... to slay some beasts, you must enter new caverns...

Support is available, and you are as resourceful and well-equipped as any other knight. Godspeed on your quest!
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MVP, Forum Supporter
Exactly - the "what ifs" are one of the worst things we do to ourselves. You are not alone as I think we all do that !


Thanks guys. My anxiety is really high right now and yes there's the "what-ifs" but I can't avoid everything unpleasant or there's no point being in therapy. It's frustrating because I thought I could handle anything thrown at me, that I could talk about anything no problem, and I'm already cowering over somewhat minor things.
Just know turtle that your therapist will not let any harm come to you therapist will not get into anything more then you can handle
Small steps right hugs


What is that called? Anticipatory anxiety...
I get that too and then when 'it's' (whatever is causing me the anxiety) over - I'm always saying "well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be"
I hope you are able to get a good night's sleep Turtle!


Thanks, gardens. I did talk to my therapist and he told me to stop worrying. I'm trying! I know it won't be as bad as I'm thinking it will....I just get myself worked up into a tizzy and then I can't get out of my tizzy. My anxiety will be high until I get there but once I'm there I'll be ok. I just know I can't avoid these subjects forever but I know he'll go at a pace I can deal with.


I think it's an adjective, not a noun, but I'm not sure. My mom used that word growing up. I actually haven't used it in a long time. I was saving it for something special ;).


MVP, Forum Supporter
Now that's a stretch - thin lizzy = tizzy :D. maybe it's a western expression...


Well, you'll all be glad to know I didn't die today. He didn't scream, yell, or jump up and down. It went quite well. I know, I know, I'm saying "that wasn't so bad". :eek:
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