I've written in this forum a couple of times with great responses and it really seemed to help. I don't know whats wrong with me. Maybe I'm the type of person that will never be happy. I am divorced with an 11 yr old Son, who is great by the way, and I am now living with my boyfriend. We've been togehter about 4 yrs, lived together about 1.5 yrs. He's great, he really is so good to me so why am I not happy. My situation with the visiting of my son is not the usual and my ex and I are friends for now. My ex works a second job three nights a week and my son does not want to come to my apartment so I go to the house, my ex-house, and I clean, do wash, take care of my son and my ex-dog and I don't mind. I miss my house, my dog and doing the things I did there. I like taking care of them. Anyway, my ex wants me back. I did that before but it didn't work. I think about it sometimes and think.."what if." Its just that everything right now seems stressful, exhausting....running back and forth from apartment to the house. Dealing with my ex and my boyfriends ex and just everything. It doesn't seem like a family, a home (meaning the apartment) but I can't say anything to my boyfriend, it will break his heart. Obviously, he feels something is up with me because I'm quiet and not as affectionate. I just want to feel that I belong. I just want simplicity.
Its difficult to put how I feel in writing. I just know my insides are a nervous wreck everyday, I'm losing weight, I'm not sociable, and I can be mean sometimes.......I don't want to feel like this. I am so tired of being in a relationship and not being positive about where I am or where I belong. Maybe I have some type of imbalance? I was so happy and content ther for awhile. Any suggestions, any advice? Ask me anything.....
Its difficult to put how I feel in writing. I just know my insides are a nervous wreck everyday, I'm losing weight, I'm not sociable, and I can be mean sometimes.......I don't want to feel like this. I am so tired of being in a relationship and not being positive about where I am or where I belong. Maybe I have some type of imbalance? I was so happy and content ther for awhile. Any suggestions, any advice? Ask me anything.....