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I have a boy child around 3 yrs., he is acting in a strange way, when he is with me alone is nice, play and talk with me friendly but when he's with me and mom he changes his actitude, he does not talk animore and he behaves aggresive. I'll be glad if someone could shed some light on this.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's difficult to respond without more details, e.g., are you and his mom still together or separated/divorced?

One possibility for a child that age is that he is just seeking your attention, especially if he is the same way when alone with his mom. When you and his mom are together, your attention is divided between your son and his mom, so he tries to get back the attention he wants by acting out. That would not be unusual behavior for a 3 year old.


Hi David,
we live together and I spend a lot time in the work so your answer sounds very logic. I will spend more time with him and check his behavior out.

thans a lot David


One thing that I would like to mention here is that at a very young age children learn how to play one parent against another.

I'm not saying that this is what is happening, but something that you might wish to be aware of.

Small children are very smart. I seen that with my 5 chidren and now with my grandson and how he pushes his mom's buttons all the time. And he is only 17 months old.
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