I've been browsing these forums lately quite frequently, and i've been reading the various posts, seeing how people help each other through their difficult times so before i start, i have to say that i'm impressed at how good a community feeling this forum has. Therefore, i'll attempt to contribute to helping others here in the future as far as my limited knowledge and experiences can provide; however, right now i don't feel in a proper state to help anyone.
As i said in the post i made at the depression forum, i've struggled with it for around 3 years, since i was around 14. But lately, within the past two weeks and especially within the last 4 days i've been completely unable to escape the suicidal feelings. I'm constantly thinking of killing myself - how i would do it, when, for what purpose. The increased dose of Prozac seems to have done no good so far, though i am only a week and a half into the doubled amount of meds so i don't know if it should have kicked in or not. I just feel so hopeless, when i reflect on how i feel now i wonder if i will ever be happy. and if not, then what is the point in living? I'm not sleeping very well at all despite being incredibly tired and almost falling asleep in lessons. I just feel as though everything is too much effort and this will never end, i want to end it so badly. What really spurred me to start this post is that, thirty minutes or so ago, is i cut myself for the first time in around a year. Which is something i promised myself i wouldn't do again, but it's taking so much effort not to give into these suicidal urges that i just want some releif regardless of how that relief manifests itself. I just want it all to stop, i feel completely empty as though there's nothing left anymore, and i'm constantly weighing up the pro's and cons of suicide, resulting in further confusion. I just feel as though i'm a ticking bomb, i feel so angry, tired, hollow, depressed, and i'll never be free of it. I just want to let go, and i can't, because if I do then i'm not in control and i'll end up hurting myself, badly, or possibly even others depending on their actions. I want, or need, to tell someone about it. But i don't want to burden any of my friends with this. My mum, and my aunt (who is also depressed), know i have this now but don't know i have suicidal or self destructive urges, and i don't want to upset them really or have them treat me differently because of this, i want to be normal. and i know that isn't going to happen and will take alot of effort to even come close to, which in regards to my current level of energy and general feeling of "Everything is too much effort", doesn't appear possible. So the answer is suicide. Which is silly, but it doesn't prevent me from feeling it, and thinking about it, and desperately wanting to act on it.
I've been browsing these forums lately quite frequently, and i've been reading the various posts, seeing how people help each other through their difficult times so before i start, i have to say that i'm impressed at how good a community feeling this forum has. Therefore, i'll attempt to contribute to helping others here in the future as far as my limited knowledge and experiences can provide; however, right now i don't feel in a proper state to help anyone.
As i said in the post i made at the depression forum, i've struggled with it for around 3 years, since i was around 14. But lately, within the past two weeks and especially within the last 4 days i've been completely unable to escape the suicidal feelings. I'm constantly thinking of killing myself - how i would do it, when, for what purpose. The increased dose of Prozac seems to have done no good so far, though i am only a week and a half into the doubled amount of meds so i don't know if it should have kicked in or not. I just feel so hopeless, when i reflect on how i feel now i wonder if i will ever be happy. and if not, then what is the point in living? I'm not sleeping very well at all despite being incredibly tired and almost falling asleep in lessons. I just feel as though everything is too much effort and this will never end, i want to end it so badly. What really spurred me to start this post is that, thirty minutes or so ago, is i cut myself for the first time in around a year. Which is something i promised myself i wouldn't do again, but it's taking so much effort not to give into these suicidal urges that i just want some releif regardless of how that relief manifests itself. I just want it all to stop, i feel completely empty as though there's nothing left anymore, and i'm constantly weighing up the pro's and cons of suicide, resulting in further confusion. I just feel as though i'm a ticking bomb, i feel so angry, tired, hollow, depressed, and i'll never be free of it. I just want to let go, and i can't, because if I do then i'm not in control and i'll end up hurting myself, badly, or possibly even others depending on their actions. I want, or need, to tell someone about it. But i don't want to burden any of my friends with this. My mum, and my aunt (who is also depressed), know i have this now but don't know i have suicidal or self destructive urges, and i don't want to upset them really or have them treat me differently because of this, i want to be normal. and i know that isn't going to happen and will take alot of effort to even come close to, which in regards to my current level of energy and general feeling of "Everything is too much effort", doesn't appear possible. So the answer is suicide. Which is silly, but it doesn't prevent me from feeling it, and thinking about it, and desperately wanting to act on it.