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i walked past a suicide prevention booth today and stopped to see what information they had to offer. it really made me think. one lady was telling me all about what they were trying to do (raise awareness and provide information on prevention) and an older man was with her. she said it was all volunteers who had lost someone to suicide. she seemed pretty outgoing but the man with her looked sad. he lost his son to suicide. i didn't ask her who she lost but maybe i should have.

it really made me think. i just talked to two people who have been deeply affected by suicide. losing someone that way has got to be the worst pain in the world, especially if it is your child.

i know the pain and the desperation that comes with wanting to take your own life. i am so unbelievably grateful that i was able to keep myself safe and never actually made an attempt. meeting these people made it a bit more real to me, the pain we leave people with if we choose this path. i think i only barely scratched the tip of the surface though.

this has really made me grateful for what i have and for all the good things in my life. i have to work at not giving in to the depressive feelings when i hit a rough patch. i have to somehow find a way to remind myself of all the good. i can never, ever come that close to suicide like that again.

if you are in that place, please get help, please reach out, and please trust me that things will get better. i know it is hard to believe and that it seems impossible, but it's not. with the right help and support you can make it out of the darkness. you will be glad you did and everyone who loves you will be too.
you're going to be ok, jazzey :hug: you can make it through. i did, and you can too. same goes for you halo, and anyone else who may be in this dark place.
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