Retrieved Nov 11, 2017
There are few in Australia who have not been affected by suicide: suicide is the leading cause of death for men under the age of 44 and women under the age of 34.
But suicide is preventable, and individuals and organisations across Australia are working to raise awareness and ensure that people at risk of suicide get the help they need.
Are you thinking about suicide?
Get help. Take immediate steps to keep yourself safe.
If you, or someone you are with, is in immediate danger call 000.
Crisis and Counselling Telephone Lines
Lifeline 13 11 14
Crisis support chat
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Online counselling
Men's Line 1300 78 99 78
Online counselling
Veterans Line 1800 011 046
Qlife 1800 184 527
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Are you concerned that someone you know is considering suicide? Are you thinking about suicide? Has someone you know died by suicide or attempted suicide? Here are groups and resources that can help.
Lifeline Crisis Support
Suicide Prevention Australia
Conversations Matter: Resources for discussing suicide
Communities Matter: Suicide prevention for small towns and local communities
Retrieved Nov 11, 2017
There are few in Australia who have not been affected by suicide: suicide is the leading cause of death for men under the age of 44 and women under the age of 34.
But suicide is preventable, and individuals and organisations across Australia are working to raise awareness and ensure that people at risk of suicide get the help they need.
Are you thinking about suicide?
Get help. Take immediate steps to keep yourself safe.
If you, or someone you are with, is in immediate danger call 000.
Crisis and Counselling Telephone Lines
Lifeline 13 11 14
Crisis support chat
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Online counselling
Men's Line 1300 78 99 78
Online counselling
Veterans Line 1800 011 046
Qlife 1800 184 527
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Are you concerned that someone you know is considering suicide? Are you thinking about suicide? Has someone you know died by suicide or attempted suicide? Here are groups and resources that can help.
Lifeline Crisis Support
Suicide Prevention Australia
Conversations Matter: Resources for discussing suicide
Communities Matter: Suicide prevention for small towns and local communities